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NISE Network Blog

Arkansas STEM Fest photo

Partner Highlight: Arkansas State University hosts STEM Fest as Part of the Arkansas Science Festival

January 29, 2020
Jill Kary, Arkansas State University Museum
In honor of Arkansas Science Festival, seven Arkansas State University (A-State) departments came together to host STEM Fest on October 25, 2019. The event was an explosive hit! More than 700 students in grades K-12 registered to attend this event, an indicator of youth interest, and more than 100 volunteers assisted with STEM hands-on activities, some from NISE Net's Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry kit.
MSU undergrad outreach event picture

Partner Highlight: NISE Net Resources Help Undergraduate Researchers at Montana State University

January 29, 2020
Suzi Taylor, Montana State University
When network partner, Suzi Taylor at Montana State University’s (MSU) Science Math Resource Center, was tasked with helping undergraduate students create hands-on activities for a community outreach event, she turned to NISE Net resources for help.
Earth & Space

Explore Science: Earth & Space 2020 Physical Toolkit - Part A Shipping to 350 Partners Across the United States!

January 29, 2020
Kayla Berry, Museum of Science
What's New This Year? The National Informal STEM Education Network (NISE Net) 2020 Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkit will ship in two parts this year. Part A of the toolkit will be shipping out to 350 partner institutions nationwide...
Ingram Planetarium programming photo

Partner Highlight: Ingram Planetarium Explores Integrating NISE Net Kits into Interactive Programs in the Dome

January 3, 2020
Katherine Hunt, Planetarium Manager
This partner highlight will focus on Ingram Planetarium's experience and the process used to fully integrate a NISE Network Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkit into the dome theater with the goal of diversifying content, creating more engaging and interactive experiences in the dome for the learner, and to further empower Ingram’s education team to execute interactive programs in the planetarium environment.
Northern Kentucky University Haile Planetarium logo

Partner Highlight: Through Hardship, Haile Planetarium Continues

January 3, 2020
Christa Speights, Planetarium Director
Haile Planetarium is a 61 seat, 30 foot planetarium that is part of Northern Kentucky University. In recent years, we have had about 10,000 visitors per year. One recent expansion that has helped us grow is the NISE Network's Explore Science: Earth & Space 2019 toolkit. This is helping us get through our largest obstacle yet.
NISE Network group photo - 2019 Network Wide Meeting

NISE Network Year in Review 2019

January 2, 2020
Rae Ostman, Arizona State University
The NISE Network had a fantastic 2019! This past year we grew our Network to include many new partners and expanded connections across the United States and around the world. Our strength as a Network comes from our collaboration as dedicated professionals, and our impact comes from the work we all do to engage our local communities. Thank you to everyone who participates in our community! Here are some of our favorite Network moments of 2019.
Moon Landing Video Thumbnail Image

Remembering the Apollo 11 Moon Landing – 50th Anniversary Event Celebrations

December 4, 2019
Brad Herring, Museum of Life and Science
Do you remember where you were during the historic Moon landing 50 years ago? Can you recall the emotions that ran through you at that time? Or, perhaps you weren’t born yet but this historical feat has captured your imagination...
Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition picture

All 52 Sun, Earth, Universe Exhibitions Now Delivered to Partners All Across the Country!

November 26, 2019
Kayla Berry, Museum of Science
All 52 copies of the NISE Network's Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition have now been delivered and are currently on display. Collectively, the exhibition is estimated to reach millions of people a year in Earth and space science. Thank you to...
Mote SEA Show image

Partner Highlight: A New Virtual Learning Program: Mote SEA Show Makes a Big Splash! Sarasota, FL

November 26, 2019
Ross Johnston, Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium, Sarasota, FL
Looking for the intersection of education and entertainment? Marine science and museums? Look no further than Mote Marine Laboratory’s new virtual learning program, the “Mote SEA Show”! Mote’s team of marine science educators is taking learning beyond the classroom, literally, with a new interactive, livestream marine science morning show. This innovative, educational broadcast focuses on illuminating what goes on behind-the-scenes in marine science and research.
Pahoa Science NIght

Partner Highlight: Science Education Helping a Community Recover From Disaster on the Island of Hawaii

November 19, 2019
Christian Wong, Executive Director, Hawaii Science and Technology Museum, Hilo, HI
Thursday, May 3 2018 started like any other typical Hawaiian day in paradise on the island of Hawaii, the state’s largest and most geologically active island, when without warning first responders began receiving calls of cracks in the roads and unusual noises in Leilani Estates Subdivision. To this day many residents continue to struggle to recover from this life altering event, buoyed only by hope and the Aloha Spirit of family and friends in this tight knit community accustomed to coming together to rebuild after natural disasters. The State and County of Hawaii continue to deliver assistance to the communities most affected by the eruption and have tapped the Hawaii Science and Technology Museum, a NISE Network Partner, to help rebuild the local workforce and industries through STEM education and programming.