Citizen and Community Science
Citizen and Community Science
Opportunities and Resources

- NASA GLOBE Observer
This citizen science app allows volunteers to take observations in support of Earth system science research, and interpret NASA and other satellite data. Projects include Clouds, Trees, Land Cover, and Mosquito Habitat Mapper:
https://observer.globe.gov - NASA Citizen Science Opportunities
NASA Citizen Science projects invite the public to join collaborative research projects addressing a wide variety of scientific goals in astrophysics, biological and physical sciences, Earth science, heliophysics, and planetary science.
Download: NASA Citizen Science Resources for Educators (PDF) (revised May 2021)
is an online citizen science hub with a database of more than 3,000 projects, searchable by location and topic
SciStarter for educators
https://scistarter.com/page/Educators.html - Association for Advancing Participatory Sciences (AAPS)
Participatory sciences include community science, citizen science, community-based monitoring, volunteer research, and more — research and monitoring efforts that depend on knowledge, insights, or observations from members of the public. (formerly the Citizen Science Association)
https://participatorysciences.org/ - CitSci.org
provides tools for the entire research process including: creating new projects, managing project members, building custom data sheets, analyzing collected data, and gathering participant feedback:
https://CitSci.org/ - Citizenscience.gov
provides a catalog of federally supported citizen science projects, a toolkit to assist federal practitioners with designing and maintaining their projects, and a gateway to a community of hundreds of citizen science practitioners
https://www.citizenscience.gov - ASTC Community Science Initiative

Annual Events
- Citizen Science Month (April)
http://citizensciencemonth.org - Globe Observer Challenges
NISE Network Activities Connected to NASA GLOBE Observer

Exploring Earth: Investigating Clouds

Exploring Earth: Temperature Mapping

Online Workshop Recording: Celebrate Earth Day with NISE Net: Activity Connections and How Visitors Can Contribute Local Environmental Observations to NASA Science
Citizen Science, Civics, and Resilient Communities Project

Citizen Science, Civics, and Resilient Communities (CSCRC)
Science-To-Civics: Building Community Resilience to Climate Hazards Through Citizen Science and Public Deliberation

Online Workshop Recording: Learn about how to get involved with a new community science project around heat waves, sea level rise, extreme precipitation, and drought

Finding STEM Experts
Nature Journals and Outdoor Observations
Free video series from John Muir Laws and Children's Creativity Museum
https://creativity.org/nature-journal-connection/ -
John Muir Laws How to Teach Nature Journaling
https://johnmuirlaws.com/product/how-to-teach-nature-journaling/ -
International Nature Journaling Week (first week in June)