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NISE Network Explore Science: Earth & Space 2020 toolkit report deadline extended to February 1, 2021

July 28, 2020
Catherine McCarthy, Arizona State University
We hope that you, your friends, family, and colleagues are all staying well. We know many of us are being affected by COVID-19 and the economic downturn. We are inspired by the outpouring of creativity and hard work as we...

Partner Highlight: Kopernik Observatory & Science Center hosts online Link Summer STEM Exploration camps, Vestal, NY

July 28, 2020
Tish Bresee, Kopernik Observatory and Kayla Berry, Museum of Science
Although New York announced that summer day camps can be conducted onsite, Kopernik Observatory & Science Center decided to instead host a series of eight different online summer STEM camps that children will be able to enjoy from the safety and comfort of their own home.
Nano exhibition

Nano Exhibitions Available!

July 2, 2020
Catherine McCarthy, Arizona State University
We have recently learned about several copies of the Nano mini-exhibition that are looking for new homes. The NISE Network distributed 93 copies of these small-footprint 400 square-foot interactive exhibitions across the United States in 2013-2014. We currently keep waiting lists for museums and similar locations interested in owning a used copy of the exhibition.
The Lawrence logo

Partner Highlight: The Lawrence Hall of Science Pauses for Racial Justice

June 30, 2020
<p>Rena Dorph, Ph.D., Director; Frank Kusiak, NISE West Regional Coordinator; Kalie Sacco, MPA, Chief of Staff, Director's Office</p>
These are indeed difficult times. We have been challenged by a series of racist killings by police that once again have laid bare the systemic institutional racism that persists in the United States. The Lawrence Hall of Science is the University of California, Berkeley’s public science center and much of our work in science education is motivated by our values of equity and social justice as well as our hope for a better future. However, recent events led us to realize that we had yet to do enough and that we need to take further and immediate action.
Franklin Institute  Derrick Pitts  Race and Space Video screenshot

Reflecting on Race in STEM

June 11, 2020
Catherine McCarthy, Arizona State University
Many of our partner institutions are going through a process of reflecting on racial justice and how we can all move forward to eliminate racism.
COSI digital science festival logo

Partner Highlight: COSI Science Festival - A Digital Transformation

June 2, 2020
Josh Sarver, VP of Exhibits & Programs and Stephen White Esq., VP of Strategic Initiatives, COSI, Columbus, OH
With its sights focused on another record setting experience in 2020, COSI and its partners prepared for an assortment of exciting programs as well as the infusion of new cities from across the state. With a broader regional focus and a year’s experience under our belts, the possibilities seemed endless. However, as the impact of the pandemic grew, COSI was forced to execute a broad-based strategy to engage public, private, and nonprofit partners to produce digital experiences around science and technology.
Explore Science: Sustainable Futures logo

Re-imagining a Sustainability Fellowship during COVID

May 28, 2020
Kayla Berry, Museum of Science
In May, the NISE Network's Sustainability Fellowship Program led by Arizona State University hosted its first virtual workshop, due to COVID-19, for its final cohort of fellows. Over four days, 28 fellows delved into defining what sustainability means to them, for their institutions, and how to apply this knowledge to a sustainability project over the next few months, especially as we all adjust to living in times of COVID-19.
Bear's Shadow hands-on activity photo

Partner Highlight: Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center uses NISE Network Kits to Create Online Educational Videos for Families

May 27, 2020
Liane Usher, President, Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center
Since March 15th the Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center closed its doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many children’s museums, we were faced with the challenge of keeping our families and the greater community engaged with hands-on interactive learning without a physical facility. While the Center has never done much online content development before, our staff quickly shifted gears and learned new skills in video production, editing and social media.
Image of mini-garden starter kits

Partner Highlight: Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens Connects Local Students to Gardening through School Lunch Program

May 27, 2020
Erika Huber, Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
During the quarantine, Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens has supplied gardening kits and flowers to the local school lunch program. In April, we made 180 mini garden kits that were made available to students at lunch pickup spots throughout the peninsula as well as delivered to individual homes.
Cohort B group activity picture

Partner Highlight: NISE Network Partners Continue Sustainability Efforts through Challenging Times

May 5, 2020
Nich Weller, Arizona State University
In January 2020, thirty-four museum professionals from across the NISE Network came to Arizona State University as part of the Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability in Science and Technology Museums Fellowship. Following their time in Tempe, fellows returned to their organizations with new tools, resources, and relationships cultivated from the workshop to conduct their projects, ranging from updating exhibits to planning museum renovations to providing professional development at their organization about sustainability.