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NISE Network Blog

Science Museum of Minnesota

Highlighting NISE Network partner events celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing

July 26, 2019
Kayla Berry, Museum of Science
NISE Network partners all across the country celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing all throughout July. Here are just a few samples of partner events that were shared online through social networking sites with the NISE Network.
Eastern Oregon University

Partner Highlight: Making the Most of the Explore Science: Let’s Do Chemistry Kit

July 25, 2019
Dr. Anna Cavinato, Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, OR
When the Student Chapter of the American Chemical Society (Chemistry Club) received the NISE Net's Explore Science: Let’s Do Chemistry kit in September of 2018, it was like early Christmas! The Eastern Oregon University (EOU) Chemistry Club has a long standing tradition of bringing hands-on science activities to the local community and the region. We are located in the northeastern corner of Oregon, in a largely rural area where often schools have limited resources to provide lab-based activities, and the kit seemed immediately the perfect match for our outreach events.
Kingman Museum

July 20th is the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing! Network Partners Join in the Celebrations

June 28, 2019
Kayla Berry, Museum of Science
Fifty years ago on July 20. 1969, astronauts of Apollo 11 stepped foot on the lunar surface capturing the imagination of the nation, and the world. Now, half a century later, it’s time for a new generation to experience the magic and majesty of that first “one small step for [man], one giant leap for [man]kind.” Many NISE Network partners have been preparing for the upcoming 50th anniversary by planning and hosting Moon landing celebration events. We’ve pulled together just a snapshot of Network partner events taking place all across the country.
LICM Milkweed garden

Partner Highlight: Sustainability and Citizen Science at Long Island Children’s Museum

June 5, 2019
Claire Flynn, STEM Initiatives Program Director, Long Island Children’s Museum
Through the Sustainability Fellowship program, Long Island Children’s Museum created a Milkweed Garden and offers programming that allows visitors to participate in the the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, a citizen science project based at the University of Minnesota. I chose this project because I wanted to create an experience that involved our visitors in citizen science and gave them a way to consider how climate change is affecting our local community.
Children's Museum of Brownsville

Partner Highlight: The Universe Unfolds at the Children's Museum of Brownsville

June 3, 2019
Felipe Pena, Executive Director, Children's Museum of Brownsville
The Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition has been a great addition to the Children’s Museum of Brownsville ! Although there was an initial challenge of how to fit it into our existing space, which is a bit odd in dimension, the...
Arizona State University Family Day

NISE Network is Creating Sustainable Futures

June 3, 2019
Rae Ostman, Arizona State University
How can our museums help people and the planet thrive, today and tomorrow? The Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability in Science and Technology Museums project provides professional development, educational materials, and other resources to help museums integrate sustainability into their...

Partner Highlight: Sustainable Decision Making Framework for Exhibits

June 3, 2019
Dave Laubenthal, Director of Creative Services, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI)
Like most hands-on museums, OMSI ends up with a backlog of older exhibits that still have value but don’t have a current place in our galleries. As a result, they languish in dark corners, outbuildings, closets, rented storage spaces, and...
Kids 'N' Stuff Children's Museum in Albion Michigan

Partner Highlight: Earth & Space 2019 Events Across the Country

June 1, 2019
Catherine McCarthy, Science Museum of Minnesota
Many partners have shared images of their Explore Science: Earth & Space 2019 events and activities on social networking. Many of these activities were incorporated into Earth Day, Earth Week, and Chemists Celebrate Earth Week events. We have gathered just...
Teen Cosmos

Partner Highlight: Teen Cosmos Collective: Building Science Literacy and Identity using Universe of Learning and NISE Network Tools

April 30, 2019
Max Cawley, Museum of Life and Science
In the fall of 2018, the Museum of Life and Science ran a pilot afterschool program called Teen Cosmos Collective; a series aimed at building science communication skills, space content knowledge, and science literacy and identity. This 10-week program recruited...
NanoDays 2019

Partner Highlight: Celebrating NanoDays 2019 Events Across the Country

April 19, 2019
Catherine McCarthy, Science Museum of Minnesota
Many NISE Network partners have shared images of their NanoDays 2019 events on social networking. We have gathered just a few of many images shared by partners highlighting the different ways partners continue to use NanoDays kits and resources to engage the public.