atomic force microscope
Exploring Tools - Special Microscopes
In this activity, learners use a flexible magnet as a model for a scanning probe microscope.
Scientific Image - AFM Image of Polyethylene Plastic (false color)
Magnified image of polyethylene using an Atomic Force Microscope.
Scientific Image - AFM Image of Polyethylene Plastic (black and white)
Magnified image of polyethylene in black & white using an Atomic Force Microscope.
Scientific Image - Atomic Force Microscope Illustration
Illustration of an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) probe tip.
Scientific Image - Scientist Using an Atomic Force Microscope
Photograph of scientist using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM).
Exploring Tools - Transmission Electron Microscopes
In this activity, learners use a model of a transmission electron microscope to image an object by looking at its shadow.
Exploring Tools - Mystery Shapes
In this activity, learners use their sense of touch to investigate hidden objects.
Zoom into a Pencil Line of Graphene with an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) - Illustration
This poster feature zoomed images of a pencil line down to the molecular level.