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Washington DC Nano News - Public Engagement on a Plane

August 2, 2008
Margaret Glass
authored by Margaret Glass, ASTC I was at the NISE Net public engagement planning meeting in late July at the Science Museum of Minnesota. On the return flight to Boston, I had a conversation about nano with a fellow passenger...

Washington DC Nano News - Nano for the Next Administration

July 26, 2008
Margaret Glass
authored by Margaret Glass, ASTC This summer, I planned my vacation to Maine for the fourth week of July. I was conflicted when the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies announced a talk and document release for that week. I thought about...

Washington DC Nano News - The Science of Politics...

July 18, 2008
Margaret Glass
authored by Margaret Glass, ASTC This week there was also reception on Capitol Hill for Bill Foster (D-IL), who won a special election held in March, 2008 to replace retiring Republican representative Dennis Hastert, former Speaker of the House. The...

Washington DC Nano News - The Politics of Science…

July 15, 2008
Margaret Glass
authored by Margaret Glass, ASTC As election season draws near, the scientific community is gearing up for the next administration. A document released by, The Wilson Center OSTP 2.0 CRITICAL UPGRADE, presents recommendations about science and technology policymaking for the...

Washington DC Nano News - Science Showcase on the Hill

June 26, 2008
Margaret Glass
authored by Margaret Glass, ASTC June 25 was the 14th Congressional exhibition and reception of the Coalition for National Science Funding . The coalition includes over 120 organizations, associations, and universities that track federal spending on science research. They also...

Washington DC Nano News - A Buckyball for Bob

June 16, 2008
Margaret Glass
authored by Margaret Glass, ASTC I actually went to the Nanomedicine briefing for a somewhat shallower reason than the previous post would imply. I sometimes get tired of taxing my brain with new nanofacts, and admit that there is large...

Washington DC Nano News - Targeting Cancer

June 15, 2008
Margaret Glass
authored by Margaret Glass, ASTC The June briefing hosted by the Congressional Nanotech Caucus was on nanomedicine - specifically, the use of nanoparticles in cancer treatment. The guest list comprised mostly representatives of the Alliance for Nanohealth , a Houston-based...

Washington DC Nano News - Still Just a Bill

June 7, 2008
Margaret Glass
authored by Margaret Glass, ASTC So where did H.R. 5940 go next? For those of you who need a reminder of steps in the process, here’s a link to the classic song and video: I’m Just a Bill . In...

Washington DC Nano News - The 20-Minute Markup

May 9, 2008
Margaret Glass
authored by Margaret Glass, ASTC In legislative terms, a markup is a special session held to amend a bill. The National Nanotechnology (NNI) Amendment Act was scheduled for markup in the House Committee on Science and Technology at 11 am...