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NISE Network Blog

Nano Haiku: Good Vibrations

April 23, 2009
Vrylena Olney
Nano radio Playing in unseen smallness Can anyone hear? by Karen Pollard of the For more information about the nanotube radio, check out the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab's Nanotube Radio page. While you're there, watch/listen to a recording of the...

How I Learned to Stop Fearing the Nanobot

April 21, 2009
Vrylena Olney
Kim Duncan recently posted a nice adaptation of the Shrinking Robots! program for children's museum audiences. The original program explores robots, how small robots are today, and the challenges in creating nano-sized robots ("nanobots"). The activity as posted is about...

I Made a Birthday Cake but It Was Too Small to See

April 17, 2009
Vrylena Olney
Get your party hats on, because April 25th is the birthday of nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler! Among other things, Drexler coined the term "grey goo" in his 1986 book Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology to describe what...

Girls and Nano

April 14, 2009
Vrylena Olney
I just got an email from Jayatri Das from The Franklin Institute about one of their NanoDays events targeted specifically to girls. The event, Girls Exploring Tomorrow's Technology (GETT) , is designed to engage girls (grades 6 - 12) in...

Great Walls and Thin Films

April 10, 2009
Vrylena Olney
The National Science Foundation (NSF) just posted an interesting and very readable article by a graduate student who traveled to China to make nanostructured thin films for solar cells. Meghan Schulz, a gradute student at the University of Delaware, was...

See-Through Toasters and More in Five Minutes or Less

April 8, 2009
Vrylena Olney
Here's one easy way to learn about some new nano applications. Industry analyst Marlene Bourne hosts a 5-minute podcast series called the Bourne Report on "next generation science, cool technologies, and real products" that often features nanotechnology. You can find...

More Nano Jobs: History of Nanotechnology

April 8, 2009
Vrylena Olney
In addition to the post-doc positions open at the University of Wisconsin - Madison MRSEC , the Center for Nanotechnology in Society (CNS) at the University of California, Santa Barbara is looking for a postdoctoral scholar to conduct research on...

Pictures from NanoDays 2009: Port Discovery Children's Museum

April 3, 2009
Vrylena Olney
Congratulations to the Port Discovery Children's Museum in Baltimore, MD, who hosted their first NanoDays today! They partnered with a number of local researchers to pull off their event, including the Howard University Nanoscale Science and Engineering Facility , the...

Nano Haiku: Quantum Dots

April 3, 2009
Vrylena Olney
A quantum dots haiku, by Kim Duncan : quantum dots glowing all colors of the rainbow Could they be toxic?

Zooms Now Zooming Properly

April 1, 2009
Vrylena Olney
We had some glitches recently with the digital zoom files, but no more! The working digital zoom files are here along with instructions for downloading. The zooms, Zoom into a Human Hand , and Zoom into a Nasturtium Leaf...