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NISE Network Blog

MRS Fall Meeting: Call for Papers

May 4, 2010
Vrylena Olney
Our partners from the Materials Research Society passed the following message on to me-- they're looking for papers and presenters for an Educational Symposium at the Fall 2010 MRS Meeting. -VO This year the MRS 2010 Fall Meeting in Boston...

Nano Haiku: Update Your Profile!

May 4, 2010
Vrylena Olney
I love to see your Shining face. Please update your Contact info, thanks! by Karen Pollard , Science Museum of Minnesota Maybe when you first logged in you wrote a paragraph about your fascinating work, and included three ways to...

Real World Nano: Nanotechnology for Human Enhancement: What Does the Public Think?

April 27, 2010
Clark Miller, Arizona State University
In 2002, two scientific leaders at the US National Science Foundation, Mihail Roco and William Bainbridge, edited a report entitled Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance . The report highlights nanotechnology for its ability to drive a convergence of technologies...

Real World Nano: Why Does Nano Matter? Bio-Non-Bio Interfaces

April 22, 2010
Clark Miller, Arizona State University
What would it mean if biological and non-biological systems were not just fully connectable but fully interchangeable? That’s one of the questions that nanotechnology poses for us. More than any other field of scientific inquiry, nanotechnology operates at the basic...

Earth Day 2010

March 26, 2010
Vrylena Olney
Earth Day is April 22nd , and there are lots of potential Earth Day - nano ties. Here's a sample of resources, activities, and articles that might be relevant: → Energy (general) NISE Net Stage Presentation: Energy and Nanotechnology (be...

Spring Professional Development Opportunities

March 16, 2010
Vrylena Olney
We'll be at both the Materials Research Society's Meeting in San Francisco and the Association of Children's Museums Interactivity 2010 Annual Meeting in St. Paul, MN this spring. MRS - April 5 - 9 There are three different NISE Net-related...

Education and Outreach Events at the MRS Meeting

March 10, 2010
Vrylena Olney
It's all- MRS -all-the-time around here lately (see here , here , and here )! Which is fine, because our partners at MRS are lovely. Also lovely: science education and outreach events at the MRS Spring Meeting ! There are...

MAKING STUFF Frequently Asked Questions

March 10, 2010
Vrylena Olney
Last week I posted information about the small grants MRS and WGBH are offering to organize outreach events around the premiere of Making Stuff . Apparently, a lot of folks have had similar questions about the outreach events, so the...

Posters, Presentations, and Broader Impacts

March 8, 2010
Vrylena Olney
The NISE Net is sponsoring a bunch of professional development opportunities at the upcoming Materials Research Society Spring Meeting in San Francisco, April 5 - 9. Admission is included in meeting registration for all of these workshops, no additional registration...

Grant Opportunity for Materials Science Outreach Program

March 2, 2010
Vrylena Olney
Richard Souza , who is leading the Materials Research Society' s involvement in the NISE Network, forwarded me this announcement about a small grant opportunity open to our partners. There's more information below, but please note that the application due...