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NISE Network Blog

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NISE Network Year in Review 2022

January 10, 2023
Catherine McCarthy, Arizona State University
When reflecting on this past year, we are filled with gratitude to be able to collaborate with all of you! This past year we continued to increase our capacity as professionals and organizations to engage the public in STEM topics throughout the United States. Our strength as a Network comes from our collaboration as dedicated professionals, and our impact comes from the work we all do to engage our local communities.
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What's Next? Upcoming Opportunities in 2023

January 10, 2023
Catherine McCarthy, Arizona State University
A review of upcoming opportunities in 2023.
CoCreation Participants in Durham, North Carolina housing discussions talking around a table

Partner Highlight: Congratulations to our Co-Created Public Engagement with Science Stipend Recipients!

January 10, 2023
David Sittenfeld, Museum of Science
NSF-funded Building Capacity For Co-Created Public Engagement with Science project led by the Museum of Science, Boston, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), and the Museum of Life and Science (MLS) in Durham, North Carolina Congrats to the partners participating in the stipend recipients! Bisbee Science and Exploration Center, Bisbee, AZ Da Vinci Science Center, Allentown, PA Explora, Albuquerque, NM Great Lakes Science Center, Cleveland, OH McWane Science Center, Birmingham, AL Orlando Science Center, Orlando, FL Memphis Museum of Science and History, Memphis, TN Sciencenter, Ithaca, NY The Works: Ohio Center for History, Art & Technology, Newark, OH We will be sure to share the progress in their co- creation activities as their important work progresses.
Students Proudly Display Ice Orbs from this Family Science Night Activity

Partner Highlight: Museum of York County in Rock Hill, SC Makes New “Ice Age Carolinas: Exploring Our Pleistocene Past” Exhibit More Inclusive to Spanish-speaking Audiences

December 11, 2022
Carole Holmburg, Museum of York County, Rock Hill, SC
Partner highlight about the Museum of York County in Rock Hill, SC, and some exciting new resources they produced as part of their project from the NISE Network’s Earth & Space Project-Based Professional Learning Community 2021-2022.
Pensacola Mess Hall in Florida event with a child looking through telescope to observe the Moon

Partner Highlight: Pensacola MESS Hall Observes the Moon and More for International Observe the Moon Night

November 2, 2022
Christina Leavell
Pensacola MESS Hall hosts an Observe the Moon-themed "Curiosity Day" full of events in collaboration with the Escambia Amateur Astronomy Association.
Young participants investigate worms with magnifying glasses

Partner Highlight: Imagination Station in Toledo “Crushes” Sustainability Goals with New Recycling and Waste Reduction Initiative

October 5, 2022
Caitlyn Carter, Imagination Station
Partner highlight about the work of Imagination Station and how their participation in the 2011 Sustainability Fellowship has been a catalyst for change.
Maine discovery kits stacked with staff person standing between boxes

Partner Highlight: Maine Discovery Museum Uses 10 Years’ Worth of Kits and Collaboration to Inspire Programming Shifts During COVID-19 Pandemic

August 25, 2022
Trudi Plummer, Maine Discovery Museum
Partner Highlight: Maine Discovery Museum engages audiences during the COVID-19 pandemic with Discovery kits.
LVCM Under the Stars event - Entry/Event Banner

Partner Highlight: “Under the Stars” with the Science of Webb and the Lykens Valley Children’s Museum in Pennsylvania

August 11, 2022
Christina Leavell
Partner Highlight: Lykens Valley Children's Museum hosts multiple events to celebrate the James Webb Space Telescope.
Two young learners using the DIY Sun Science app

New version of the DIY Sun Science App is now available.

July 11, 2022
Darrell Porcello, Children's Creativity Museum
From designing a UV detector to tracking solar storms, DIY Sun Science for the iPad and iPhone lets anyone, anywhere investigate the Sun with easy, low-cost, and fun hands-on activities. This popular, free app has now been updated with the addition of two new activities and a complete Spanish translation.
Brain Congressional briefing neuroethics and STEM public engagement June2022 slide screnschot.

NISE Network Changing Brains Team Members Present at Congressional BRAIN Initiative Briefing on Neuroethics

July 1, 2022
Catherine McCarthy, Arizona State University
Jayatri Das, Chief Bioscientist at The Franklin Institute and Claire Weichselbaum, Barbara Gill Civic Science Fellow at Arizona State University recently gave an interactive presentation as part of the Congressional BRAIN Initiative Briefing on the importance of neuroethics. The presentation includes a short poll activity giving just a taste of some of the content the NISE Network Changing Brains project team is working on.