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Ages 7 - Adult

Museum educator demonstrates biobarcodes hands-on activity

Biobarcodes: Antibodies and nanosensors

In this activity, learns explore antibodies and a nanomedical technology called Biobarcodes by assembling a jigsaw puzzle model.
A person inside of a balloon model of a carbon nanotube.

Balloon Nanotubes (Giant Hanging Model)

In this activity, learners use a balloon model to observe how the carbon atoms are arranged in a carbon nanotube
Facilitator starts a presentation about surface are using many props

Surface Area demonstration

In this activity, leaners explore how high surface area to volume ratio causes materials to behave differently by unfolding paper cubes, dropping alka-seltzer in water, and turning potatoes black with iodine.
A facilitator on stage in front of a large spinning wheel asking a participant a question with a microphone

Wheel of the Future

In this stage presentation, learners are contestants in a game show that encourages them to discover facts about nanotechnology and consider the concerns people have for new field.
Faciltator at a table holding aerogel in the palm of her hand


In this activity, learners see and interact with the nanomaterial aerogel and discover its unique properties.
Faciltator showing physical molecular models

The Electric Squeeze

In this activity, learners explore piezoelectricity by making electric sparks, looking at molecular models, and listening to cheesy music from a greeting card.
Voyage through the Solar System Breath of Fresh Air activity with children measuring liquid droppers with graduated cylinders

Voyage through the Solar System: Breath of Fresh Air

In this activity, learners do an experiment that demonstrates some of the science concepts involved in keeping breathable air available on the International Space Station.
Voyage through the Solar System Space Souvenir activity showing  a medallion

Voyage through the Solar System: Space Souvenir

In this activity, learners make their own mission medallion with foil and cardboard!
screenshots of the DIY Solar System app on a phone and tablet

DIY Solar System App

DIY Solar System makes it easy for families and educators to explore the solar system from anywhere, anytime!
Changing Brains Training Video with facilitator demonstrating What Makes Us Human activity

Changing Brains training videos

Training videos are intended to help museum staff and volunteers feel comfortable while engaging public audiences with the Changing Brains activities.