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Spanish Language Translations and Bilingual Resources

Bilingual Design Guide cover showing Latino family having conversation about an exhibit

Tools, Guides, and Strategies

NISE Network resources for engaging bilingual audiences, translation process, and bilingual graphic design

NISE Network Engaging Hispanic Communities Initiative
Through two complementary NASA-funded projects, the NISE Network will increase the capacity of informal educators to engage Hispanic communities across the United States in learning about NASA science through the use of culturally relevant bilingual Spanish-English materials based on NASA assets.


National Hispanic Heritage Month logo

National Hispanic Heritage Month 
(September 15- October 15) 

More Resources

Blue logo for online workshop recordings

Online Workshop Recordings

Spanish Icon

Many NISE Network educational products are available in Spanish! Español!

Based on input from NISE Network partners, we have adapted our most popular public activities and programs for Spanish-speaking audiences! Follow the links below to explore Spanish versions of several NISE Network public programs, as well as other selected resources. We have placed the highest priority on translating products that directly serve public audiences. Professional resources, such as instructional materials and educator’s guides are only available in English at this time.

NISE Network materials have been specifically translated with U.S. Spanish-speakers in mind.

In order to ensure the highest level of scientific accuracy and cultural appropriateness, each translated product goes through a series of reviews. Different processes have been used for different projects.  For example, for the Nano Informal Science Education Network project, translation of materials was conducted by a bilingual developer with expertise in informal science education. These initial translations were then reviewed by a Spanish-speaking research scientist with appropriate content expertise. A final review was then conducted by the International Language Bank (ILB), a service of the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO).

Educational products with Spanish translations of public materials:

Programs and Activities

Earth & Space

Radio Waves


Synthetic Biology

NanoDays and Nanoscale Science


Graphic Images

Nanoscale science:

Exhibition Signage and more

Earth & Space science

Nanoscale Science:

Blogs and News

Nanoscale science:

Companion Websites for Public Audiences

Earth & Space science

Nanoscale science:


Nanoscale science: