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changing brains logo

Changing Brains

Changing Brains is an evolving project of the NISE Network to empower public and professional audiences to experience, talk about, and reflect on personal, community, and societal connections to advancing brain research and related technologies.
Todd et al 2018 Fostering Conversations Journal of microbiology biology education Cover Page

Fostering Conversation about Synthetic Biology Between Publics and Scientists: A Comparison of Approaches and Outcomes Journal Article

Publication focused on two-way conversations and mutual learning between scientists and public audiences about synthetic biology in the Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education.
Building with Biology Participant Impact Evaluation Report cove showing visitors using an activity

Building with Biology Summative Evaluation Reports (2018)

Summative Evaluation Report for Building with Biology project examining outcomes for: 1) public audiences and 2) scientists and informal science educators participating in the project.
Blue logo for online workshop recordings

Online Workshop Recording: Extending Your Earth & Space Science Exhibits - Free Multimedia Resources from NASA's Universe of Learning, NASA's Eyes, and the NISE Network

Online professional development workshop recording focused on Extending Your Earth & Space Exhibits - Free Multimedia Resources from NASA's Universe of Learning, NASA's Eyes, and the NISE Network (2018).
A group of learners creating a scribblebot using a pool noodle, small electric motor and thin markers

Partner Highlight: Frankenstein200 October Events - Ideas from NISE Network Partners Across the Country

November 26, 2018
Peter Nagy and Rae Ostman, Arizona State University
The year 2018 is the 200th anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein. All year long, NISE Net partners have been celebrating Frankenstein’s “birthday” by using activities from the activity kit. In October, many Network partners used Frankenstein200 activities for spooky seasonal programs. Researchers from Arizona State University took this opportunity to visit several sites to study how museum guests think about science and responsibility and to learn more about how NISE Net partners are using the activities in the kit.
NISE Newsletter Logo with a newspaper icon on the left

Newsletter: November 2018

Check out this month's NISE Network e-newsletter for the latest project and professional development opportunities, upcoming events, community announcements, science news, and much more.
Newsletter archive

Exploring Visitor Data from an Ongoing Multi-Institutional Visitor Study

November 5, 2018
Alex Lussenhop, Museum of Science
How much do museums really know about their visitors? At the Collaboration for Ongoing Visitor Experience Studies (COVES), we’re obsessed with this question. Driven by the need for quality comparable visitor experience data, our collaboration of 23 science-focused museums and...
Explore Science

Quiet on the set! And action! A new set of training videos has wrapped for the 2019 Explore Science: Earth and Space Toolkit

November 2, 2018
Brad Herring, Museum of Life and Science
NISE Network project staff from the Museum of Life and Science just completed filming a new set of activity and content training videos to accompany the hands-on activities in the 2019 Explore Science: Earth and Space toolkit! Read on for a behind-the-scenes look.
NISE Net Online Workshop logo

Online Workshop: Celebrate Earth Day with NISE Net: Activity Connections and How Visitors Can Contribute Local Environmental Observations to NASA Science (Recorded)

April 16, 2019
Happy Earth Day! Get a quick refresher on the many Earth and environmental connections across the Explore Science toolkits from NISE Net activity developers. Also learn more about NASA visualization resources that will help connect your visitors to ongoing efforts to monitor Earth's dynamic systems.
Sun, Earth, Universe

Sun, Earth, Universe Exhibition Fabrication Underway and Shipping Soon!

November 1, 2018
Kayla Berry, Museum of Science
Now in final stages of fabrication, the NISE Network's Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition is in the process of getting its final touches before getting shipped out to partners all across the U.S. Get a sneak peak at the exhibition before it arrives!