Posters, Graphics, and Books
STEM learning materials for public audiences include posters, signs, banners, books, and other products that can be downloaded and printed out or presented on electronic displays.
Solar Science: Exploring Sunspots, Seasons, Eclipses, and More
This booklet explains how eclipses work, how to safely view them, and what viewers can expect from a solar eclipse.
Nano & Society Posters
Posters featuring the science and society connections for nanotechnology; accompanied by a facilitator guide.
DIY Nano Book
Book of Do-it-Yourself (DIY) hands-on activities about nanoscale science designed for use at home by children and adults.
Eclipse Pinhole Postcard
This two-sided postcard features a map of the US and what percentage of the eclipse you'd see at different locations on one side and how to view a solar eclipse safely on the other side.
NanoDays Key Concepts Posters
Posters showing nano key concepts.
Building with Biology: Educational Posters
Building with Biology printable, educational posters that introduce visitors to the principles of synthetic biology.
Frankenstein200 Style Guide, Palettes, Fonts, and Logos
Promotional materials for Frankenstein200 activities including style guide, palettes, fonts, and logos in multiple formats.
Alice In NanoLand
Alice In NanoLand book suitable for reading areas, story-times, or to augment a program; along with formative evaluation.
"How might synthetic biology change our lives?" graffiti wall
Building with Biology printable materials for public events.
Frankenstein200 Promo Photos
Promotional materials for Frankenstein200 activities including sample photos.