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Nano Bite: October 2013

Welcome to the October Nano Bite, the monthly e-newsletter for the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net).

What's New?

NanoDays 2014 Kit Applications Now Open
Applications are now open for NanoDays 2014 physical kits! We invite you to fill out an application for a physical kit containing all the materials and resources you need to start planning your community events; applications are due December 1, 2013. For details on NanoDays and the application, go to: /blog/post/nanodays-2014-kit-applications-due-december-1-2013.

→ Mini-Grant Applications Are Open
NISE Net 2014 Mini-Grants applications are now available. Planning to apply? For details about the program and application, go to: /blog/post/nise-network-2014-mini-grant-application-now-open-applications-due-november-1-2013. You can check out the list of past recipients here for more ideas. The due date for applications is November 1, 2013.

Online Brown-Bag Conversations
In the coming months, the NISE Network will continue to offer a series of online brown-bag conversations focused on helping NISE Network partners share their work and learn from others in the Network.
  • Nano for School Groups - Tuesday, October 1st, 2 pm Eastern/11 am PacificInterested in discovering new ways to introduce nanoscience and nanotechnology? Join us for a conversation about incorporating nano into your programming for school groups. We will talk about best practices and tips for designing single short interaction modules that work well on field trips and afterschool programs. Bring your ideas and questions, as you'll have a chance to share your experiences and brainstrom with the presenters and the audience. If you're thinking about applying for a mini-grant, this will be a great opportunity to discover new ideas and learn about programs serving school groups that have been funded by NISE mini-grants.

    To sign up for this conversation, go to:

New in the Catalog
New Videos: What's Nano About...
The NISE Network has developed a series of videos exploring Nano concepts in everyday life. Check out What's Nano About Chocolate, Toilets, Bubbles, and Water!

 Public Presentation: Making Molecular Movies With QSTORM
This public presentation details the on-going interdisciplinary research project of a group of scientists and engineers from institutions across the country who are collaborating to make a breakthrough in biological imaging. The presentation introduces the four scientists/engineers involved in this research effort, details the limitations of current technology and imaging challenge they face, and introduces the unique approaches they are pursuing in their quest to make this imaging breakthrough:

What Else?

→ ASTC 2013 Annual Conference
If you or your colleagues are attending the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) annual conference in Albuquerque Oct 19-22, 2013, we will have  pre-conference workshop, booth in the exhibit hall, program demo in the Demonstration Hour in the exhibit hall, sessions, breakfast, and happy hour.  Pre-registration is only required for the pre-conference workshop.  All other events are open to conference attendees, so please have you or your colleagues join us:/events/astc/astc-annual-conference-2013.

Be on the Lookout for the 2013 Annual Partner Survey!
Keep checking your inbox- in a few weeks you may be receiving an invitation to participate in the upcoming NISE Net 2013 Annual Partner Survey!

Your unique perspectives and input are vital in helping us to assess and improve the experience of participating in NISE Net.  Whether you completed last year’s survey or you’re a new participant, we want to hear from you!  To show our appreciation for your time, completion of the online survey will automatically qualify you to be entered in a drawing for one of several great prizes. Please click here for more information.

→ 2013 MRS Fall Meeting
The 2013 MRS Fall Meeting will be in Boston, MA December 1-6, 2013. For details, go to: /events/materials-research-society-mrs/2013-mrs-fall-meeting.

 The Atlantic Considers Invisibility Cloaks
The History of Invisibility Cloaks, as Told by People in the Future: This short piece on features the NISE Net video Invisibility Cloak created by the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.

Nanotechnology Masters Program at Penn
University of Pennsylvania's School of Engineering is offering a Master of Science Degree program in Nanotechnology. Click here for details.
National Chemistry Week
National Chemistry Week is October 20-26 this year. Click here to check out how you can use NISE Network activities during National Chemistry Week.

Nano in the News
  • Scientists Build First Nanotube Computer: Researchers at Stanford University unveiled the first working computer built entirely from carbon nanotube transistors. If perfected, this technology will allow a computer to work faster, and with smaller components and use much less energy.
  • 10 Amazing Man-Made Substances: Check out this list of amazing manufactured substances, many of which take advantage of properties at the nanoscale.
  • 1,600-Year-Old Goblet Shows that the Romans Were Nanotechnology Pioneers: A Roman chalice at the British Museum appears jade green when lit from the front, but blood-red when lit from behind. Researchers have found that the glass was impregnated with particles of silver and gold as small as 50 nanometers in diameter. The exact mixture of precious metals suggest the Romans knew what they were doing with these particles.

Nano Throughout the Year
Planning activities for the Fall? Check out the complete list of seasonal NISE Net activities at:


Nano Haiku

Nano is so small,
Does not follow all the rules
Neither does this Haiku.

This rule-bending haiku comes to us from Joe Schwanebeck, of the Science Center of Iowa.

Questions? Haikus? Contributions to the newsletter? Contact Eli Bossin at
Read the Nano Bite e-newsletter online at /newsletter/nano-bite-october-2013.

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