Public programs, hands-on activities, and professional development resources about nanoscale science, engineering, and technology and their impact on society.
NISE Network offers a digital download of the NanoDays 2013 kit, complete with instructions, lesson plans, supply lists, marketing materials, and multimedia files.
NISE Net offers a digital download of the NanoDays kit, complete with instructions, lesson plans, supply lists, marketing materials, and multimedia files.

Download the full digital kit:
All NanoDays 2009-2016 Resources
Kit Contents
Digital files of documents to help you get started:
- NanoDays 2014 Planning Guide and Welcome Letter revised
- Strategies for Engaging Bilingual Audiences reference sheet NEW!
- A Guide to Building Parnerships Between Museums and University-Based Research Centers
I. Hands-on activities
Digital files of instructional guides, signs, and supplies for this year's hands-on nano activities and programs:
- Exploring Size—Measure Yourself revised Spanish!
- Exploring Size—Powers of Ten Spanish!
- Exploring Fabrication—Electroplating NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Materials—Memory Metal Spanish!
- Exploring Materials—Ferrofluid revised Spanish!
- Exploring Materials—Oobleck NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Nano & Society—You Decide! Spanish!
- Exploring Products—Computer Hard Drives Spanish!
- Exploring Properties—Capillary Action NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Properties—Electric Squeeze NEW! Spanish!
- Exploring Properties—Invisibility Spanish!
II. Programs
- Would You Buy That? NEW! Spanish!
- Robots and People NEW! Spanish!
III. Graphics and Media
- Key Concepts Posters Spanish!
- Nano and Society Posters
- Nano Museum Labels (Graphic Signs) Spanish!
- Presidential Decisions game (Flash-based) NEW!
- Nanooze Print Editions NEW!
IV. A set of guides and tools for planning and promoting your event
- NanoDays 2014 Planning Guide and Welcome Letter revised
- Reminders about the 2014 NanoDays volunteer survey
- NISE Network Brochure (to share with staff and collaborators)
- Large Promotional Banners, Sample Ads and Posters, Sample Press Release, and other Marketing Materials revised Spanish!
- NanoDays Promotional Video
- NISE Net Publicity Photos revised
- Strategies for Engaging Bilingual Audiences reference sheet NEW!
- A Guide to Building Parnerships Between Museums and University-Based Research Centers
- Temporary Tatoos
- Digital Kit USB with electronic copies of all materials found in the entire kit revised
V. Training Materials
- Nano 101 for Staff
- NanoDays Orientation Powerpoint slides and notes revised
- Training Video guides NEW!
- Tips for Engaging Visitors
- Tips for Visitor Conversations
- Engaging the Public in Nano (guide to key concepts)
- NISE Network Learning Framework NEW!
- Team-Based Inquiry Guide NEW!
- Nanotechnology and Society Guide NEW!
VI. Digital files of educational media
- How Small is Nano? video
- What Happens in a Nano Lab? video
- Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? Spanish!
- Mr. O videos: Getting a Sense of Smell, I Got No Stains on Me, and Molecular Gastronomy Nanocoatings, Butterfly Blues, Nobel Winning Experiment
- What's Nano About....? video series: Bubbles, Chocolate, Water, Toilets NEW!
- Nano and Me video series: Aluminum, Gold, Gravity, Latex, Pants, and Silver Spanish!
- Zoom into a Blue Morpho Butterfly video
- Zoom into a Lotus Leaf video
- Zoom into a Computer Chip video NEW!
- Invisibility Cloak video NEW!
- Wonders and Worries of Nanotechnology video series: Ask and Research, Who Benefits, and Regulation
- Three Angry Scientists video
- Does Every Silver Lining Have a Cloud? video
VII. Digital files of staff and volunteer training media
- Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? (Intro to Nano video) Spanish!
- A Museum Presentation: How NOT to Present
- A Museum Presentation: How TO Present
- Speed-Ucate: How to have an effective science and society conversation NEW!
- America’s Next Top Presenter NEW!
- Training Videos for NanoDays activities and programs NEW!
- Exploring Fabrication—Electroplating NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Fabrication—Gummy Capsules
- Exploring Materials—Ferrofluid NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Materials—Hydrogel
- Exploring Materials—Memory Metal 2014 kit
- Exploring Materials—Oobleck NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Materials—Thin Films NEW!
- Exploring Nano & Society—Space Elevator
- Exploring Nano & Society—You Decide! 2014 kit
- Exploring Products—Computer Hard Drives 2014 kit
- Exploring Products—Liquid Crystal Displays
- Exploring Products—Nano Fabrics NEW!
- Exploring Properties—Capillary Action NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Properties—Electric Squeeze NEW! kit
- Exploring Properties—Invisibility 2014 kit
- Exploring Properties—UV Bracelets
- Exploring Size—Measure Yourself NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Size—Moving Molecules
- Exploring Size—Powers of Ten Game NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Size—Tiny Ruler NEW!
- Exploring Tools—3D Imaging
- Exploring Tools—Mitten Challenge NEW!
- Exploring Tools—Mystery Shapes
- "Horton Hears a Who!" Storytime
- I Spy Nano! NEW!
- Robots and People NEW! 2014 kit
- Would You Buy That? NEW! 2014 kit
All videos may be downloaded from Vimeo with a free "basic" account: www.vimeo.com/join; for more assistance please see FAQ # 10.
Refer to the activity guide or program lession plan located online for more information (such as vendor contact info for any physical resource or consumable material, training tips, or special set-up requirements.)