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Exploring Products - Sunblock activity components like the construction paper, swabs, and sunblock.

Health and Medicine

A compilation of health and medicine public engagement resources. These resources may be useful for incorporating into annual events such as World Health Day, DNA Day, Mosquito Awareness campaigns, and events focused on human health.

Nanotechnology and Health

Nanomedicine Explorer Website and Videos

The Nanomedicine Explorer is an interactive, bilingual, multimedia program and website with a standalone 3-minute intro video.
What is Nanomedicine video and interactive graphic

Nanomedicine in Healthcare Forum

In this forum, learners explore nanotechnology-enabled medical technologies and their potential to transform health care, while considering the societal, ethical, environmental and economic impacts of this emerging technology.
Exploring Products - Sunblock activity components like the construction paper, swabs, and sunblock.

Exploring Products - Sunblock

In this activity, learners compare sunblock containing nanoparticles to ointment.
Presenter with a UV meter

A Little Bit of Sunshine

In this O Wow Moments video, Mr. O compares sunblock containing nanoparticles to ointment.
Components in NanoDays sunblock activity including sunscreen and black paper.

Invisible Sunblock

In this activity, learners compare nano and non-nano sunblock products to discover the effect of particle size on visibility.
Water being poured into a Glass - iStock photo

Cleaning Our Water with Nanotechnology

In this stage presentation, learners experience demonstrations about how we can make contaminated water safe to drink using a variety of technologies.
Educator on stage showing nano pants hydrophobic properties

Nanotech and Consumer Products

In this stage presentation, learners consider the potential environmental and health risks of using nanotechnology in consumer products.
Title card of the video showing Dr. Mauro Ferrari

Battling Cancer with Nanotechnology Video

In this 6-minute video, Dr. Mauro Ferrari presents his research on cancer nanomedicine.
Scientists pointing to a screen with medical imagining

Stealth Imaging with Iron Nanoparticles Video

In this 5-minute video, Drs. Weissleder and Harisinghani talk about their efforts to improve medical imaging with nanoparticles.

Zapping Tumors with Gold Nanoshells Video

In this 9-minute video, Drs. Halas and West talks about their nanomedicine-based approaches to cancer treatment.
stock image of bars of gold

Treating Tumors with Gold

In this stage presentation, learners hear about a potential nanotechnology treatment that could kill tumor cells before considering questions about future targeted cancer therapies.
Image of a brain taken by a MRI

Cognitive Enhancement Teen Role Play Forum

In this forum, learners grapple with the implications of two different future technologies that would enhance one's cognitive ability.
Blue logo for online workshop recordings

Online Workshop Recording: Nano Brown-Bag: Nano Show and Tell: Nano in Consumer Products

Online professional development workshop recording (2013).
Museum educator demonstrates biobarcodes hands-on activity

Biobarcodes: Antibodies and nanosensors

In this activity, learns explore antibodies and a nanomedical technology called Biobarcodes by assembling a jigsaw puzzle model.
A wire being encircled by a much smaller wire.

Short Articles on topics in Nanotechnology

This collection of short articles features various topics in the field of nanotechnology.
Facilitator showing a spring toy prop from the presentation

Making Molecular Movies with QSTORM

In this stage presentation, learners are introduced to an interdisciplinary research project making advances in biological imaging.

Nanomedicine Exhibits

Annual Events

World Health Day (April 7) / National Public Health Week (first week in April)

DNA Day (April 25)

National Mosquito Control Awareness Week  - Fight the Bite (last full week in June)
World Mosquito Day (August 20)

National Physical Fitness and Sports Month (May)

More Resources

Working with STEM Experts Guide cover including an image of expert  puring a liquid and using a strainer with a girl and her family at a museum public event

Finding STEM Experts