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Online Brown-Bag: The Science Behind NanoDays 2013 - Part 2 (Recorded)

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The NISE Network is launching a series of online brown-bag conversations focused on helping NISE Network partners share their work and learn from others in the Network. The aim of the online brown-bag conversations is to increase the number of professional development opportunities available to NISE Net partners, create more channels for Network partners to learn from each other directly, and create ways for partners to follow-up on ideas or efforts that emerge at in-person meetings.

The Science Behind NanoDays 2013 - Part 2

Tuesday, March 19; 2-3 pm Eastern Time


  • Rashmi Nanjundaswamy and Lizzie Hager-Barnard, Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley

When we train staff to present NanoDays activities it is important to ensure that they are comfortable with the underlying science and one way of doing this is to ladder or group activities that have similar concepts. In this conversation we will pick two topical clusters that connect 6-8 different NanoDays activities, from this year as well as years past.


Additional Resources

Many people wanted the link for the soap bubble photo (

This brown-bag focused on the science behind NISE activities related to polymers or light at the nanoscale. We discussed the following activities in depth:

During the brown-bag we discussed applications of polymers like gummy capsules and hydrogels, as well as materials that interact with light in interesting ways. The following articles cover some of these applications, as well as additional ones: