More Information:
- Theme: Fun is Serious Business
- Hosted by Kidspace Children's Museum, Pasadena, CA
- Learn More: http://www.childrensmuseums.org/interactivity/interactivity-2017
Marketplace - Exhibit Hall
The exhibit hall will be open Wednesday, May 3rd from 4:00pm - 7:00pm with a reception starting at 5:30pm, and Thursday, May 4th from 7:30am - 4:30pm.
The NISE Network will have a booth in the exhibit hall featuring the information and activities.
- Location: booth #40
A flyer we will have at our booth: April 2017 flyer summarizing the projects and opportunities for NISE Network partners is available for download.
Concurrent Professional Development Sessions
The NISE Network activities and information about engaging the public in the following sessions:
Engaging All Learners: Partnerships and Programs to Reach Diverse Audiences
Wednesday, May 3; 1:15pm - 2:30pm
Panel/World Café: Partnerships are an effective way for museums to reach new audiences and better serve our communities. This interactive session will share results and resources from a national project bringing museums and community organizations together to engage families and children in STEM. Presenters will identify strategies for creating mutually beneficial partnerships, describe model programs, and share ready-to-use tools and educational materials. Breakout discussions will allow participants to explore ideas, work through issues, and identify concrete next steps for planning their own local collaborations to leverage resources and increase impact.- Leader: Rae Ostman, Science Museum of Minnesota and Arizona State University
- Kathleen Lawson, Arkansas Discovery Network
- Keith Ostfeld, Children’s Museum of Houston
- Catherine McCarthy, Science Museum of Minnesota,
- Nora Thompson, Port Discovery Children's Museum
- Don Riefler, Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
Download the PPTX powerpoint presentation from this session
Download a PDF of this PPTX presentation from this session
- The 2017 Eclipse: Tools for Engaging Young Scientists
Thursday, May 4; 2pm - 3:15pm
Workshop: On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will sweep across the U.S.! This incredible astronomical event is an excit- ing opportunity for museums to convene their communities around Earth and space science. This workshop-style ses- sion will build enthusiasm for the many tools and resources available for planning and hosting an eclipse event, and for getting hands-on with science. In particular, focusing on ways to engage the youngest visitors. From NASA resources, to DIY tools for viewing, to activities that encourage visitors to play with and explore shadows, gain first-hand experience and take home ready-to-use resources.- Alexandra Jackson, Sciencenter
- Dennis Schatz, Pacific Science Center
- Ellen Blinderman, Lawrence Hall of Science
- Darrell Porcello, University of California, Berkeley
- Anna Hurst, Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- Jeffrey Nee, NASA Museum Alliance
Download a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation from this session
- Best Program Ever! Tools and Techniques to Create Great Programs
Friday, May 5; 9am - 10:15am
- Brad Herring, Museum of Life and Science
- Rae Ostman, PhD, Science Museum of Minnesota
- Alexandra Jackson, Sciencenter
- Jeannie Colton, Arizona State University
- Keith Ostfeld, Children’s Museum of Houston
- Stephanie Long, Science Museum of Minnesota
- Workshop: This high-energy, hands-on workshop introduces fun, effective professional development tools and techniques. You’ll be up on your feet learning improv exercises, brain- storming activities, using creative critique and reflection tools, and much more. We’ll send you home with a resource package that will help your team improve existing programs, create great new programs, and do a fantastic job engaging guests every day.
- Brad Herring, Museum of Life and Science
- Rae Ostman, PhD, Science Museum of Minnesota
- Alexandra Jackson, Sciencenter
- Jeannie Colton, Arizona State University
- Keith Ostfeld, Children’s Museum of Houston
- Stephanie Long, Science Museum of Minnesota
Download a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation from this session
- Responsible Screen Time in Children’s Museums
Friday, May 4; 10:30am - 11:45am
Firestarter: As digital technology becomes a ubiquitous part of family life, what role can children’s museums play? Should museums be screen-free zones or are there responsible ways to model good screen time behavior for families? In this session, hear how science and technology centers have used (and misused) digital technology, gain perspective from an educational researcher on what youth outcomes one may expect from educational media, and take the pulse of children’s museum professionals on this hot topic.- Carol Tang, PhD, Children’s Creativity Museum
- Scott Burg, Rockman et al
- Darrell Porcello, University of California, Berkeley
Download a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation from this session