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Online Workshop

NISE Network Online Workshops

Online Workshop: The Science Behind the Earth and Space Toolkit: Astrobiology - Searching for Life (Recorded)

March 15, 2017
This online presentation and discussion covered the science behind three of the 2017 Explore Science: Earth and Space toolkit activities - Ice Orbs, Imagining Life, and Pocket Solar System.
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Explore Science: Earth & Space Four-Week Online Professional Development Workshop

February 12, 2017 - March 9, 2017
Earth & Space Four-Week Online Professional Development Workshop
NISE Network Online Workshops

Online Workshop: What's in Your Explore Science: Earth & Space Toolkit 2017 (Recorded)

February 7, 2017
What's in your Explore Science: Earth & Space 2017 Toolkit? This online discussion provides an overview of the hands-on STEM activities in your toolkit, tips for using training materials and forming local collaborations, and suggestions for marketing your events and programs.
NISE Network Online Workshops

Online Workshop: Tips for Planning Your August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse Event (Recorded)

January 27, 2017
Planning for the August 21st, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse! This online presentation and discussion will cover the science behind the 2017 total solar eclipse that will cross the continental United States from Oregon to South Carolina, and will provide suggestions for activities and programs to engage the public.
NISE Network Online Workshops

Online Workshop: Finding and Collaborating with Astronomy Experts and Volunteers (Recorded)

January 17, 2017
Connecting with astronomy and space science experts in your community: amateur astronomers, research scientists, and other experts are often enthusiastic volunteers eager to share their excitement for astronomy with the public. Learn how to find local experts and effectively collaborate with them to strengthen your astronomy and space science programs.
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Online Workshop: Explore Science: Earth & Space Toolkits (Recorded)

September 13, 2016
Join NISE Network partners for an introduction to the new Space & Earth Informal STEM Education (SEISE) project and learn how your organization can become more involved in this exciting new opportunity. In this online workshop, we'll present a general introduction to the project and an overview of what’s in the new Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkits, including information about how to apply and eligibility requirements.
NISE Network Online Workshops

Online Workshop: Evaluating the Public's Experience at Building with Biology Events (Recorded)

June 14, 2016
Hear about the resources the Building with Biology evaluation team has created to understand what public visitors at 2016 Building with Biology events learn from their experiences and value about their participation.
NISE Network Online Workshops

Online Workshop: Engaging Audiences in Science through Building with Biology Public Forums (Recorded)

April 28, 2016
This online workshop covers what a forum is and how hosting a forum might benefit your Building with Biology event and institution - it's a great way to engage adult audiences! We'll discuss each of the two forum topics that you can choose from and the opportunity to apply for a $1,200 stipend to support hosting a forum in connection with your Building with Biology event.
NISE Network Online Workshops

Online Workshop: Activities and Conversations about Synthetic Biology: The Building with Biology Project (Recorded)

December 8, 2015
Learn how you can get involved in a national conversation about synthetic biology! In this online brown-bag conversation, we'll present a general introduction to the fast-growing field of biological engineering and describe a NSF-funded project that brings together professionals from the scientific community and informal science educators to create conversations between synthetic biology (or a related field) scientists and members of the public around the societal implications of this topic.
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Online Brown-Bag: Findings from NISE Net's Public Impact Studies (Recorded)

October 5, 2015
The NISE Network runs a series of free online workshops to increase the number of professional development opportunities available to our partners, and create more channels for partners to share their work and learn from each other directly. Findings from...