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Online Workshop

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Online Workshop: Reconnect and re-engage with the NISE Network - an overview of projects and time to reconnect

June 8, 2021
Online Workshop: Reconnect and re-engage with the NISE Network - an overview of projects and time to reconnect Tuesday, June 8, 2021; 2 - 3pm Eastern / 11am - 12pm Pacific
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Online Workshop: Engaging audiences in the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope - Part 1

May 4, 2021
Online Workshop: Engaging Audiences in the Launch of the James Webb Space Telescope
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Online Workshop: Learn about an opportunity to participate in a sustainability fellowship in 2021/2022

February 9, 2021
Learn more about the Sustainability in Science and Technology Museums Fellowship from past fellows, and hear how sustainability is related to your own organization.
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Online Workshop: The COVID-19 Vaccine: What role can museums play in the rollout of the new vaccine?

February 2, 2021 - February 2, 2021
What role can and should museums play in the rollout of the new vaccine? Drawing upon the expertise of our guest presenters, this workshop will focus on effective communication strategies around the importance of vaccinations and how to address some common misconceptions and what role museums can play in educating their communities about the vaccine.
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Online Workshop: Preparing for NASA Perseverance's landing on Mars

January 26, 2021
The NISE Network runs a series of free online workshops to increase the number of professional development opportunities available to our partners, and create more channels for partners to share their work and learn from each other directly. Online Workshop...
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Online Workshop: Learn about an opportunity to participate in a sustainability fellowship in 2021/2022

January 12, 2021
The NISE Network runs a series of free online workshops to increase the number of professional development opportunities available to our partners, and create more channels for partners to share their work and learn from each other directly. Online Workshop...
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Online Workshop: Learn about how to get involved with a new community science project around heat waves, sea level rise, extreme precipitation, and drought

December 1, 2020
Through forums and citizen science projects, museums participating in the Citizen Science, Civics, and Resilient Communities (CSCRC) project engage the public in active learning and resilience planning around heat waves, sea level rise, extreme precipitation, and drought. Join to learn more details about how to apply to be one of 20 sites that will be selected to receive a small stipend to host a science-to-civics campaign.
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Online Workshop: The Science behind the 2020 Explore Science: Earth and Space Toolkit B – Surviving in Space

November 17, 2020
As NASA plans its return to the Moon and further human exploration into the solar system, how will astronauts be protected from the hazards of space? This online workshop covers the science behind the Moon Adventure Game and several of the 2020 Explore Science: Earth & Space Toolkit B activities.
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Online Workshop: Moon Adventure Game - An introduction to a new challenge-based game for science and children's museums

October 27, 2020
Game players will work together to solve a series of challenges grounded in real science about living and doing research on the Moon. Members of the team that developed the game will introduce the game's learning objectives, provide an overview of the materials and professional development resources, and prototype testers will share their experiences including adaptations for early childhood visitors.
NISE Net online workshop

POSTPONED - Online Workshop: The Science behind the 2020 Explore Science: Earth and Space Toolkit B – Virtual tour of a NASA MoonLab

October 13, 2020
How do engineers and scientists prepare to return to the moon? By placing 6 tons of simulated lunar regolith in one of the coolest "sandboxes" on Earth. This online workshop covers the science behind several of the 2020 Explore Science: Earth & Space Toolkit B activities that focus on the Moon followed by a virtual tour of NASA's MoonLab.