
REU Science Communication Workshop Planning & Implementation Guide
Professional development materials designed to enhance the science communication skills of undergraduate students participating in research programs such as NSF's Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs.

Science Writing Workshop: How to tell a story, How to conduct an interview
Professional development guide for scientists from the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network

Online Workshop Recording: Nano Brown Bag: Exhibit Small Talk - Tips for Hosting the Nano Mini-Exhibition: Staff Training
Online professional development workshop recording (2014).

Online Workshop Recording: Nano Brown-Bag: Universal Design for Public Programs
Online professional development workshop recording (2012).

Universal Design of Educational Programs In-Person Workshop Resources
Professional development resources for educators focused on Universal Design of educational programs (2013).

Bilingual Audiences Workshop Resources
In June 2013, NISE Net partners representing twenty informal education centers around the country explored how to better engage Hispanic/Latino audiences with nanoscale science, technology, and engineering. Workshop resources include the agenda, information on sheltered instruction, presentation slides, TBI resources, and workshop handouts.

Creating Stunning Scientific Posters Seminar
Professional development guide for scientists from the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network.