Exploring Size - Powers of Ten Game
In this activity, learners compete to organize their hand of cards into lists of objects from largest to smallest.
Exploring Size - Memory Game
In this activity, learners play a card game exploring the different size scales - macro, micro and nano - objects within these different scales and the way these objects are measured.
Macro, Micro and Nano Memory card game
In this activity, learners play a memory game to explore the macroscale, microscale and nanoscale through representative objects.
Sizing Things Down card game
In this activity, learners compete against each other (or the activity facilitator) to organize their hand of cards into lists of objects from largest to smallest.
What is Learning Conversation Starter
Cards to spark conversations about what learning looks like.
Atoms to Atoms Card Game - training guide and materials
In this training exercise, learners will play a game where they assign descriptive terms to chemistry-related phrases and discuss why they feel that way.
Gaming and the NISE Network: A Gameful Approach to STEM Learning Experiences
Professional development guide for educators on gaming and teaching nanoscale science, engineering, and technology.
Building with Biology: Tech Tokens
In this activity, learners consider the potential advantages and disadvantages of various areas of synthetic biology research, before investing in them with "tech tokens."
Building with Biology: Bio Bistro
In this activity, learners decide what current and future synthetic biology-based food products they would, would not, or might eat.
Exploring Tools - Dress Up Like a Nanoscientist
In this activity, learners see what they would look like in a cleanroom suit and consider all the special gear that nanoscientists need to work in a very clean place.