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Image of the Universal design booklet cover featuring a blue background and a young girl interacting with a display monitor

Universal Design Guidelines: Exhibits

Professional development guide for educators, researchers, and network leaders from the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network in 2009.
Blue logo for online workshop recordings

Online Workshop Recording: Tools for Engaging Communities and Incorporating Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion Practices

Online professional development workshop recording reviewing resources for engaging communities and incorporating diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion practices into informal science learning (2022).
DEAI Booklet Cover showing an illustration of a diverse group of people

Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion Booklet

Tools for engaging communities and incorporating inclusive practices into informal STEM projects. The tools, practices, and project examples are designed to support NISE Network partner efforts in making their experiences more relevant and inclusive in order to promote a more equitable STEM future in our local communities.
Solar System Ambassador facilitating an activity at an Earth and Space event

Tips Sheets for Engaging Public Audiences

A collection of tips sheets for engaging public audiences in hands-on STEM activities. Specific sheets for: girls, young learners, bilingual audiences, preparing guest speakers, creating conversations, difficult concepts, and accessibility and inclusion.
Explore Science: Tips for leading hands-on activities

Explore Science: Tips for leading hands-on activities

Professional development guide for educators on hands-on learning.
cover of the Fall 2015 Exhibitionist Journal

Exhibitionist Journal article - Nano: Creating an Exhibition that is Inclusive of Multiple and Diverse Audiences

Publication focused on the Nano exhibition inclusive approach to diverse audiences in the *Exhibitionist*, a journal of reflective practice published by the National Association for Museum Exhibition (NAME), a Professional Network of the American Alliance of Museums (AAM).
Blue logo for online workshop recordings

Online Workshop Recording: Nano Brown-Bag: Universal Design for Public Programs

Online professional development workshop recording (2012).
Adult visitor engaging with Carbon Nano-Tube puzzle exhibit component

Universal Design of Educational Programs In-Person Workshop Resources

Professional development resources for educators focused on Universal Design of educational programs (2013).
Image of the cover for the Universal Design Guidelines for public programs in museums booklet on green background featuring three learners in front of test tubes

Universal Design Guidelines: Programs guide

Professional development guide for educators, researchers, and network leaders from the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network .