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Brookhaven National Laboratory logo

Partner Highlight: Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, NY - Adventures in Nanoscience

July 27, 2021
Susan Frank, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Science Learning Center in Upton, NY develops a virtual "Adventures in Nanoscience" summer program for students entering 4th to 6th grade.
South Dakota Discovery Center Moon Murder Mystery 3.jpg

Partner Highlight: Moon Murder Mystery - South Dakota Discovery Center’s Creative Extension to the Moon Adventure Game

July 23, 2021
Christina Leavell, Science Museum of Minnesota
Learn all about South Dakota Discovery Center's creative extension to the NISE Network’s Moon Adventure Game.
changing brains logo with job title

New Job Opportunity in Neuroscience and Neuroethics Public Engagement with the NISE Network

July 20, 2021
Darrell Porcello, Children's Creativity Museum
The new Barbara Gill Civic Science Fellow in Public Engagement in Neuroethics will bring researchers and practitioners together to design the future of neuroscience public engagement with the NISE Network.
A docent explains the Gateway Science Museum Lending Library Program for Earth and Space Science Toolkits.

Partner Highlight: Sharing experiences about kit activity lending libraries

July 7, 2021
Frank Kusiak, Lawrence Hall of Science
Learn how some NISE Network partners have created activity lending libraries to share their kit activities with other organizations and educators in their community and create opportunities for broadening their reach.
2021 Summer Astrophotos Challenges teaser

Participate in the 2021 Summer NASA's Astrophoto Challenges

July 7, 2021
Dean Frias, Arizona State University
What's going on with the Galaxy #M87? How does its supermassive black hole impact the entire galaxy? Encourage your learners to explore more about M87, the target for this season of NASA's #AstrophotoChallenges
Guests at RMSC viewing the 2021 Partial Eclipse

Partner Highlight: Partners Celebrate the June 2021 Annular Solar Eclipse

June 17, 2021
Ali Jackson, Sciencenter
On June 10th, NISE Net partners gathered in parks and on rooftops, virtually and in-person to look to the skies and celebrate the June 2021 annular solar eclipse.
Children’s Museum of Brownsville Logo

Partner Highlight: NASA Downlink Program Connects Curiosity of Texas Students with Experience of Astronauts in Orbit in Brownsville, Texas

June 1, 2021
James Walker, Content Creator, Children’s Museum of Brownsville, Brownsville, TX
Astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Thomas Pesquet on the International Space Station, in collaboration with the Children’s Museum of Brownsville in Brownsville, TX and the South Texas Astronomical Society answer questions from Brownsville high school seniors via a NASA downlink program.
Moon Game at Bootheel Youth Museum-Challenge 5

Partner Highlight: To the Moon and Back – The Moon Adventure Game at Bootheel Youth Museum, Malden, Missouri

May 27, 2021
Christina Leavell, Science Museum of Minnesota
Bootheel Youth Museum uses the Moon Adventure Game along with its many other space science programs and exhibits
Photo of an Gaithersburg Museum educator accepting a going green award

Partner Highlight: From green cocktails to community sustainability in Gaithersburg, MD

May 27, 2021
Karen Lottes, Gaithersburg Community Museum
Featured in the June 2021 newsletter, the Gaithersburg Community Museum details how they have been able to successfully engage their community over conversations on sustainability through creative programming.
Arizona Science Center logo Never stop wondering never stop imagining

Partner Highlight: Arizona Science Center reopens and connects guests to space science with the Moon Adventure Game

April 28, 2021
Alyson Smith, Vice President of Engagement, Arizona Science Center, Phoenix, AZ
The Arizona Science Center in Phoenix, AZ, reimagined their visitor experience to allow guests to explore and learn more about space sciences, including developing COVID-friendly ways to experience the Moon Adventure Game.