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Sun, Earth, Universe Exhibition Background

The Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition is an engaging and interactive museum exhibition about Earth and space science for family audiences. 

The Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition is intended for long-term display in museums across the United States, where it will engage millions of people. Fifty-two (52) copies of the exhibition will be fabricated; all copies will be identical and distributed to eligible NISE Network partners through a competitive application process. 

The exhibition complements the Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkits and other NISE Network educational experiences. The exhibition serves as a platform for scientists and museum staff and volunteers to engage visitors with additional facilitated educational programming and hands-on experiences. The NISE Network intends the exhibition to reach a wide geographic distribution within the United States to engage visitors in Earth and space science.

Sun Earth Universe exhibition with visitors


One page flyer with descriptions and photos



Sun Earth Universe exhibition awarded locations map

Awarded Locations

In collaboration with NASA, the National Informal STEM Education Network (NISE Net) is pleased to award 52 selected institutions a free copy of the Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition. 

Exhibitions were distributed Fall 2018 - Summer 2019.

The following locations have been awarded one of 52 copies of the Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition:


Exhibition video - Promotional trailer video

Short promotional film that gives a glimpse of the NISE Network's Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition (40 seconds)

Sun Earth Universe exhibition promotional trailer video from NISE Network on Vimeo.

Exhibition Video: Exhibition walkthrough video

This film walks museum staff and volunteers through the NISE Network's Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition (11 minutes)

Sun Earth Universe exhibition walkthrough from NISE Network on Vimeo.


Sun Earth Universe exhibition signage website

Exhibition companion website

Learn more about Earth and space with your mobile device.

Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition companion mobile website:

A companion mobile website for the exhibition features multimedia to support visitors in exploring prompts posed throughout the exhibition.Beautiful video footage from NASA and mobile-friendly interactives give visitors the opportunity to go further while at the museum or at home using their mobile devices.  

Also featured on the mobile website are English and Spanish Audio Descriptions. The audio description mp3 files for each exhibit component can be played directly from the mobile website or downloaded as a zip file archive. Scripts can also be downloaded for screen readers in Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word formats

Exhibition host resources and technical manual

The technical manual, educator guide, promotional and marketing materials, signage, and more and available for download:

Annual Reports for Owning Institutions

All owners of the Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition are required to fill out a simple online report each year for up to five years after receiving the exhibition. 2020 is the second year of reporting, and we know what an incredibly difficult year it has been. We are asking that you please fill out this year's abbreviated report as best you can given the circumstances. Please report for any use of the Sun, Earth Universe exhibition between January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020. All data collected is used to report to our funder, NASA.

We strongly suggest those reporting cut and paste answers from another document into the online report. This will avoid losing data and also provide a place to update report information from year to year rather than starting from scratch. 

Completed reports must but submitted online through SurveyGizmo:

To preview the report before starting:


Application process for a Sun, Earth, Universe Exhibition

Applications opened February 2018 and were due May 1, 2018.
A total of 194 applications were received for the exhibition and 52 have been awarded.
If you completed an online application after May 1, 2018 your application was added to the waiting list for the exhibition. 


  • February 2018 - May 1, 2018: Online application opened to eligible institutions to apply for a free copy of the exhibition
  • August 2018: Awards announced
  • September 29-30, 2018: Exhibition on display at ASTC Conference in Hartford, CT
  • October 2018 - July 2019: Exhibitions delivered to successful applicants 


The exhibition is designed for NISE Network partners located within the United States and U.S. territories.

To be eligible, institutions must be:

  • Located in the United States
  • Public informal science outreach and education institutions such as:
    • science museums and science centers,
    • children’s museums,
    • natural history museums and nature centers,
    • public planetariums and observatories, and
    • NASA visitor centers.

Please note that K-12 schools, afterschool programs, libraries, parks, summer camps, and astronomy clubs are not eligible to apply for the exhibition. If your institution is not eligible for an exhibition, consider downloading a digital version of the Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkit to engage audiences in hands-on Earth and space science activities with connections to science, technology, and society. Digital toolkits are available for free download at:

NASA Parker Solar Probe launched - August 12, 2018

Want to Learn More About the Sun? NASA features exhibition and other STEM resources

About the Project


This material is based upon work supported by NASA under cooperative agreement award numbers NNX16AC67A and 80NSSC18M0061. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).


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