What is Quantum?
Quantum is the Latin word for amount and we use it to mean the smallest possible discrete unit of any physical property, such as energy or matter. For example, the smallest amount of electricity is a single electron, and the smallest unit of light is a photon. The science of these small particles is called quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. Classical physics theories describe many aspects of nature at a macroscopic (ordinary) scale, but is not able to describe the subatomic scale.
Quantum information science (QIS) is an area of STEM that makes use of the laws of quantum physics for the storage, transmission, manipulation, processing, or measurement of information.
World Quantum Day (April 14)
World Quantum Day promotes the public understanding of quantum science and technology.
https://worldquantumday.org -
More Resources
- Quantum Atlas explains quantum physics and features many animations and videos:
https://quantumatlas.umd.edu - Quantum educational resources for middle and high school classrooms
https://q12education.org/quantime -
Quantum To-Go matches Quantum scientists and engineers with with classrooms
https://q12education.org/quantum-to-go - Quarked has lessons and games in the subatomic universe:
http://www.quarked.org - National Q-12 Education Partnership
https://q12education.org - Quantum information science (QIS) K-12 Framework
https://q12education.org/learning-materials/framework - Examples of Quantum careers
https://q12education.org/about/careers - Museum of Science Quantum Matters Science Communication competition how to explain quantum in three minutes
- Argonne National Laboratory resources
https://www.anl.gov/science-101/quantum - Nobel Prize 2022: How entanglement has become a powerful tool
- NASA Quantum 101 Comic
- What YOU can do with quantum science (with Levar Burton and astronaut Josh Cassada)
https://youtu.be/q0fqxPUDVpw - Department of Energy World Quantum Day videos
Related Resources
Making Molecular Movies with QSTORM
Computer Science
The Future of Computing
Size, Scale, & Measurement
NanoDays Kit