-What was the workshop about?
NISE Network partners representing twenty informal education centers around the country explored how to better engage Hispanic/Latino audiences with nano. The workshop was two days: Day 1 focused on the importance of engaging bilingual audiences and a survey of work currently being done to engage non-English speakers and bilingual visitors at participant museums. Day 2 focused on strategies to better engage Spanish speakers at NISE Network partner museums by building capacity, using techniques like sheltered instruction, team based inquiry for improving practice, and marketing strategies for Hispanic/Latino audiences. Participants left the workshop with a plan for how to better engage these audiences with nano at their institution.
Online Workshop Resources
- Workshop Slides (Day 1 and Day 2)
- Workshop Agenda and Handouts
- Spanish Language Translations
- Inclusive Audiences Resources
- Sheltered Instruction Resources
- Translation Process Guide
- Bilingual Design Guide
- Team-Based Inquiry (TBI) Guide
- RISE Patnership Guide
- TBI: Sheltered Instruction Facilitation Log
- Further Readings
- SciGirls en Familia: Engaging Latino Families Guide
- Project Wild - Project Learning Tree Sheltered Instuction Booklet
- ASTC Dimensions: Openening Doors and Extending our Reach
- Multilingual Interpretation in Science Centers and Museums
- Learning Science in Informal Settings, Ch.7
- Museum & Society 2034: Trends and Potential Futures
Workshop Goals
To inspire confidence and build capacity for partners to engage bilingual audiences in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology (nano).
As a result of participating in the workshop, professionals will:
- Develop a rationale for engaging bilingual audiences in nano, and see bilingual work as an emerging practice.
- Build awareness of and facility with educational and professional tools and strategies (both NISE Net and outside resources), to better engage bilingual audiences.
- Connect with other professionals engaged in bilingual work by sharing personal experiences and learning together.
- Identify opportunities for action by problem solving challenges and articulating next steps.