The NISE Net runs a series of online brown-bag conversations focused on helping partners share their work and learn from others in the Network. The aim of the online brown-bag conversations is to increase the number of professional development opportunities available to our partners, create more channels for Network partners to learn from each other directly, and create ways for partners to follow-up on ideas or efforts that emerge at in-person meetings.
The International Year of Light 2015 - What's Nano about Light?
Thursday, December 4, 2014
3pm - 4pm ET / 12pm - 1pm PT
- Lizzie Hager-Barnard, The Lawrence Hall of Science
Join us for a discussion about the International Year of Light! In 2013, the United Nations proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light (IYL). More than 100 organizations from more than 85 countries are participating in IYL. During this conversation we will share light-related activities and videos developed by the NISE Network. We’ll also discuss scientific organizations that would make great partners for IYL events.
- Watch a recording of the brown-bag here
- PowerPoint Slides: Slides from the brown-bag (see slide 43 for a list of resources related to the activities discussed in this brown-bag)
- Web page: Listing of NISE Net activities and resources related to International Year of Light:
- Web page: Homepage for the International Year of Light
- Video: Celebrate The International Year of Light in 2015 with SPIE
- Video: SeeingExtremes: Virtual Lab Tour - Introduction To Plasmonics
- Video: The Rochester Cloak
- Write up of an activity relating UV beads to sunscreen - Steve Spangler
- Write up of an activity relating UV beads to sunscreen - Stanford Solar Center (separate activities for different age levels, including grades 2 - 4)
- NISE Net Product page: The International Year of Light 2015 - What's Nano about Light?
For more information on how to build your own Rochester Cloak, see the attached instructions below.