Given the rapidly evolving impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global community, including the Mayor of St. Louis prohibiting any gatherings of more than fifty people, ACM announces the cancellation of InterActivity 2020, May 5-8, in St. Louis. For more information, please visit the ACM website.
May 5-8, 2020
Hosted by The Magic House, St. Louis Children's Museum (MO)
Theme: Play the Long Game
Registration is open and the preliminary schedule has been posted!
NISE Network Partner Breakfast
The NISE Network will be hosting a breakfast for staff from partner institutions (no need to RSVP).
- Friday, May 8, 2020, 7:30am
- Location: Saint Louis Union Staton Hotel, Grand Ballroom A
Booth and Exhibit Hall
The NISE Network will have a booth in the exhibit hall featuring public engagement activities and resources including information about upcoming projects opportunities.
- Wednesday May 6, 2020, 5pm - 7pm
- Thursday May 7, 2020, 7:30am - 4pm
Visiting Saint Louis Science Center
If you are visiting Saint Louis Science Center, the NISE Network's Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition will be on display.
Concurrent Sessions, Posters, and Talks
- Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 10:45 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
The Long Game in Playing Games
Board games, card games, and video games are more than just fun pastimes. They subtly teach math, strategy, teamwork, and social skills. But what else can they do? Find out how games can improve learning, drive empathy, create community and help to solve real-world problems. Panelists with backgrounds in gaming, game design, education, and exhibit design will discuss the true potential in creating games for children.- Vi Tran, WOW! Children’s Museum
- Kathleen Mercury, Ladue School District
- Gini Philipp, WOW! Children’s Museum
- Jeannie Colton, Arizona State University
- Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 1:30 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
Improving the Long Game: Improv & Theatrical Techniques to Strengthen Frontline Teams
“Play” is at the heart of all we do, yet how often do we think of play as part of floor staff training? In this train-the-trainer session we will explore successful theatrical techniques for training frontline staff. Attendees will have the opportunity to get on their feet with tried and true approaches to team building. Using improv, role playing, and other methods, attendees will walk away with simple exercises anyone— performer or not!—can use with their staff. Handouts and supporting materials for activities done during the session will be provided to assist attendees with integrating ideas shared.- Christina Leavell, Science Museum of Minnesota (moderator)
- Brad Herring, Museum of Life + Science
- Steph Long, Science Museum of Minnesota
- Carla Thacker, Museum of Science + Industry, Chicago
- Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 1:30 p.m.–2:45 p.m.
Sustainable Futures: Museums and Communities - Playing the Long Game
This hands-on session will empower children’s museums to join their communities in creating a sustainable future. Presenters will share knowledge, practices, and a variety of project examples from small and large museums. Participants can try out public programs focusing on sustainability concepts and join small group discussions with staff who have implemented innovative sustainability programs. The session will provide an introduction for those new to sustainability, as well as tools and approaches for museums looking to take their efforts to the next level. Attendees will receive access to ready-to-use programming and training resources to download.- Rae Ostman, PhD, Center for Innovation in Informal STEM Learning, Arizona State University
- Elizabeth Bagley, PhD, California Academy of Sciences
- Ellen Wiemers, Beaumont Children’s Museum
- Matt Jorge, Children’s Creativity Museum