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Summative Evaluation Reports

At the end of a project, summative evaluation is used to assess the impact of a completed project; summative evaluation usually includes observing visitors while they experience a program or exhibit and interviewing or surveying them before and/or after this experience.

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Featured Summative Evaluation Reports

Build a Mars Habitat - Summative Evaluation Report cover

Build a Human Habitat on Mars exhibit summative evaluation (2023)

A summative evaluation study of the Build a Human Habitat on Mars exhibit focused on public audience impacts.
Moon Adventure Game Summative Evaluation Report 2023 July cover

Moon Adventure Game Summative Evaluation Report (2023)

Summative evaluation of the Moon Adventure Game focused on both public and professional audiences.
SEISE Project Evaluation Executive Summary Full revised March 2024 page 1

Space Earth and Informal Science Education Project Summative Evaluation (2021, 2024)

Summative evaluation reports and executive summary for the Space Earth and Informal Science Education (SEISE) project including: professional impacts, Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition public reach and impacts, and the Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkits public reach and impacts.
SEISE Project Mission Futures Exhibition Summative Evaluation Final Report revised February 2024 Report Cover Page with family using an exhibit

Summative Evaluation of the Mission Future exhibition (2024)

Summative evaluation report for the Mission Future: Arizona 2045 exhibition focused on public impacts.
SEISE Project Professional Learning Community PLC Summative Evaluation revised March 2024 report cover page showing many faces on Zoom

Space Earth and Informal Science Education (SEISE) Professional Learning Community (PLC) Summative Evaluation Summative Evaluation (2024)

Summative evaluation study for the Space Earth and Informal Science Education (SEISE) project Earth & Space Project-Based Professional Learning Community (PLC)
NISE Network SEISE Project Evaluation  Professional Impacts Summative Evaluation cover

Space Earth and Informal Science Education (SEISE) Project Professional Impacts Summative Evaluation (2021)

Summative evaluation study for the Space Earth and Informal Science Education (SEISE) project examining professional impacts including project reach, partnerships, professional knowledge, and professionals' use of the project’s public-facing products and their implementation of practices for engaging the public
Summative Evaluation_Sun Earth Universe exhibition cover page

Summative Evaluation of the Sun, Earth, Universe Exhibition (2020)

Summative evaluation report for the Sun, Earth, Universe exhibition examining the exhibition's reach and impact on the public.
NISE Network SEISE Project Evaluation Earth and Space Toolkit Summative Evaluation cover

Explore Science: Earth & Space Activity Toolkits Summative Study (2019)

Summative evaluation study of the Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkits examining the number and range of audiences reached by the project, visitor engagement, relevance, science identity, and their understanding around content areas.
Building with Biology Participant Impact Evaluation Report cove showing visitors using an activity

Building with Biology Summative Evaluation Reports (2018)

Summative Evaluation Report for Building with Biology project examining outcomes for: 1) public audiences and 2) scientists and informal science educators participating in the project.
Museum & Community Partnerships Project executive summary page 1

NISE Network Museum & Community Partnerships Project Evaluation Report (2017)

Summative evaluation study focused on NISE Network's efforts to support collaborations between museums and local community organizations, investigating impacts on professional participants as well as the extent to which the project reached underserved audiences with relevant, educational, and engaging materials.
Summative Evaluation icon that incorporates a buckyball

NISE Network Nanoscale Science Years 6‐10 Evaluation Summary Report (2017)

Summative evaluation report for Years 6-10 (2010-2015) of the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network project.
NISE Network Nano Professional Impacts Evaluation executive summary page 1

NISE Network Nanoscale Science Professional Impacts Summative Evaluation (2016)

Summative evaluation study explores how involvement with the NISE Network impacts an individual professional’s sense of community, learning about nano, and use of nano educational products and practices.
Summative Evaluation icon that incorporates a buckyball

NISE Network Nanoscale Science Public Impacts of Nano-Rich Organizations Summative Evaluation (2016)

Summative evaluation report explores how the resources were used by the diverse range of Network partners, and how individual institutions felt that they were doing at providing their publics with positive experiences and learning outcomes.
NISE Net Public Impacts Summative Evaluation executive summary page 1

NISE Network Nanoscale Science Public Impacts Summative Evaluation (2012-2015) Executive Summary

Executive summary of several summative evaluation reports providing an overview of the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network's overall impacts on the public.
Summative Evaluation icon that incorporates a buckyball

NISE Network Nanoscale Science Public Reach Estimations (2015)

Summary of the major public reach estimates for the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network, as of 2014, the project was estimated to have reached over 30 million people through NanoDays and the Nano exhibition.
Summative Evaluation icon that incorporates a buckyball

Summative Evaluation Study of NanoDays Events (2014)

Summative evaluation report for NanoDays, a nationwide festival of educational programs about nanoscale science, engineering, and technology.
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Summative Evaluation Study of the Nano Mini-exhibition Public Impacts (2013)

Summative evaluation report for the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network on the public impacts of the Nano mini-exhibition that was distributed to museums across the country.
Summative Evaluation icon that incorporates a buckyball

NISE Network Nanoscale Science Communication Study Developmental Evaluation (2012)

Summative evaluation report for the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network examining how project components communicate information, ideas, and practices
Summative Evaluation icon that incorporates a buckyball

Nanoscale Science Exhibits and Programs Public Impacts Summative Evaluation (2011)

Summative evaluation report for the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network - Year 5 (2011) on the public impacts of a set of nanoscale science exhibits and programs on museum visitors.
Summative Evaluation icon that incorporates a buckyball

Nanoscale Science Delivery and Public Reach Summative Evaluation (2011)

Summative evaluation report for the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network Year 5 (2010) examined nano educational activities implementation and estimated the public reach of the Network in 2010.
Summative Evaluation icon that incorporates a buckyball

Summary and Review of NISE Network Nanoscale Science Evaluation Findings: Years 1-5 (2011)

Summary and review of the findings from over 240 evaluation studies from the first five years of the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network including partnerships, public engagement, and making unfamiliar content interesting and relevant.

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