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Explore Science: Earth & Space 2020 toolkit - contents list

Hands-on STEM public engagement activities and professional development resources about Earth and space science.

In collaboration with NASA, the NISE Network has assembled a new set of engaging, hands-on Earth and space science experiences with connections to science, technology, and society.  


The 2020 Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkit is split in two parts this year.

  • Part A available in January 2020.  

  • Part B available in December 2020 and includes a hands-on collaborative Moon game as well as science activities about the Moon.

Download the full digital kit (PART A and PART B)

Training Videos - including: activity & content training videos, professional development videos

Kit Contents (PART A) 

Planning and promotional materials

Training materials

Hands-on STEM activities 

Digital copies of all activity guides, graphics, and educational materials available in English and Spanish

Media and graphics

Kit Contents (PART B) 

Digital copies of all activity guides, graphics, and educational materials available in English and Spanish

Planning and promotional materials

  • Welcome letter + list of toolkit contents  New
  • COVID-19 coronavirus - Adapting toolkit activities for virtual and physically distanced programs  New 
  • Large promotional banners 
  • Sample press release 
  • Photo release form

Training materials

Training Videos

Hands-on STEM activities 

Moon Adventure Game
The Moon Adventure Game is designed as an in-person, hands-on collaborative experience for 3–6 participants with support from
a museum educator or volunteer facilitating the game. Players will work together to solve a series of challenges grounded in real science about living and doing research on the Moon. New

  • Getting Started Kit (including the Quick Start Guide and Game Guide) 
  • Challenges 1–5
  • Assembly and Repair Materials

Media and Graphics

Accessibility and Inclusion Bundle 

Apollo program 50th anniversary resources

Earth Day 50th anniversary resources


The following are resources you can use to extend the visitor experience if you want to go into more depth or expand the length of your program.  

Digital toolkits 

Digital versions of toolkits are available as a free download:

Physical toolkits

About the Project


This material is based upon work supported by NASA under cooperative agreement award numbers NNX16AC67A and 80NSSC18M0061. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).