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cover sheet image from the museums and university guide with a watercolor illustration of a museum being connected to a university with a bridge

A Guide to Building Partnerships Between Science Museums and University-Based Research Centers

Professional development guide for scientists from the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network.
Image of a set of DVDs labled Talking Nano

Talking Nano Video Series

This 6-part video series provides a basic Nano 101 introduction to nanotechnology, potential applications, implications, and impacts.
What is Nanomedicine video and interactive graphic

Intro to Nanomedicine video

An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that is the introductory component for the Nanomedicine exhibit package; but the video on it's own is also an informative stand-alone media piece for other uses.
a young learner uses the Nanomedicine Exhibit, where a video plays on a computer monitor

Nanomedicine Explorer Kiosk exhibit

An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that is an interactive, updateable multimedia kiosk and media package, that is also available as a component of the Nanomedicine Exhibition.
Science Writing Workshop: How to tell a story, How to conduct an interview

Science Writing Workshop: How to tell a story, How to conduct an interview

Professional development guide for scientists from the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network
Title card of the video showing Dr. Mauro Ferrari

Battling Cancer with Nanotechnology Video

In this 6-minute video, Dr. Mauro Ferrari presents his research on cancer nanomedicine.
Scientists pointing to a screen with medical imagining

Stealth Imaging with Iron Nanoparticles Video

In this 5-minute video, Drs. Weissleder and Harisinghani talk about their efforts to improve medical imaging with nanoparticles.

Zapping Tumors with Gold Nanoshells Video

In this 9-minute video, Drs. Halas and West talks about their nanomedicine-based approaches to cancer treatment.

Nanomedicine Explorer Website and Videos

The Nanomedicine Explorer is an interactive, bilingual, multimedia program and website with a standalone 3-minute intro video.
Making the Most of Broadcast Media Title Card

Making the Most of Broadcast Media Workshop

Professional development guide for scientists from the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network.