
NanoDays Training Materials
Professional development training resources to prepare staff and volunteers to facilitate NanoDays activities.

NanoDays Planning Guide
Professional development guide for educators on planning and promoting a NanoDays event.

Imagine Our Community 2100
In this activity, learners are lead through a discussion-based activity and are encouraged to imagine their community 80 years into the future using the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Exploring the Solar System: Mission to Space board game
In this activity, learners play a board game in which they represent a team of scientists and engineers sending a spacecraft on a mission to space.

NanoDays 2010 Digital Kit
Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the NanoDays 2010 kit designed to engage the public in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology and their impact on society.impact on society.

Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry Safety Guide
Professional development training tool to prepare staff and volunteers to facilitate the Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry activities.

Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry Event Planning and Partnership Guide
Event planning guide and professional development resources to prepare staff and volunteers to host your Let's Do Chemistry event.

SustainABLE Digital Kit
Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the SustainABLE kit designed to engage the public in sustainability science.

Water Roll
In this activity, learners decide how they would distribute water between homes, farms and factories by sliding marbles down a tube into various containers.

My Community
In this activity, learners can draw their neighborhoods and talk about what they like best or least about the places they live. Then, learners are challenged to draw potential improvements they'd like to see in their communities.