Creating Nanomaterials exhibit
An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that demonstrates how scientists are using the ability of molecules to self-assemble to create consumer goods with surprising properties.
Detecting Disease exhibit
An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that introduces new ways of diagnosing and monitoring disease by using nanomaterials.
Nanomedicine Explorer Kiosk exhibit
An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that is an interactive, updateable multimedia kiosk and media package, that is also available as a component of the Nanomedicine Exhibition.
Online Workshop Recording: Extending Your Earth & Space Science Exhibits - Free Multimedia Resources from NASA's Universe of Learning, NASA's Eyes, and the NISE Network
Online professional development workshop recording focused on Extending Your Earth & Space Exhibits - Free Multimedia Resources from NASA's Universe of Learning, NASA's Eyes, and the NISE Network (2018).
Battling Cancer with Nanotechnology Video
In this 6-minute video, Dr. Mauro Ferrari presents his research on cancer nanomedicine.
Stealth Imaging with Iron Nanoparticles Video
In this 5-minute video, Drs. Weissleder and Harisinghani talk about their efforts to improve medical imaging with nanoparticles.
Zapping Tumors with Gold Nanoshells Video
In this 9-minute video, Drs. Halas and West talks about their nanomedicine-based approaches to cancer treatment.
Nanomedicine Explorer Website and Videos
The Nanomedicine Explorer is an interactive, bilingual, multimedia program and website with a standalone 3-minute intro video.