
NanoLab exhibit
An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that explores how nanoscientists use special devices and laboratories to build and manipulate materials on the nanoscale

Atoms to Atoms Card Game - training guide and materials
In this training exercise, learners will play a game where they assign descriptive terms to chemistry-related phrases and discuss why they feel that way.

Scientific Image - Nucleus Illustration
Illustration of a nucleus

Scientific Image - Helium Nucleus Illustration
Scientific illustration of a helium nucleus.

Scientific Image - Atom Illustration
Scientific illustration of an atom.

Exploring Size - Moving Molecules
In this activity, learners use an air cannon toy to spin pinwheels to explore what makes up air.

Nanotube Models
In this activity, learners will be able to use Molecular Visions model kits to build carbon nanotubes.

Exploring Size - Smelly Balloons
In this activity learners use their sense of smell to explore the world on the nanoscale and learn that we can smell some things that are too small to see.

Snowflakes: Nano at its Coolest
In this activity, learners watch videos of snowflakes growing, observe real ice crystals growing in a chilled chamber and that snowflakes are examples of self-assembled systems studied by nanoscientists.