lotus leaf

Zoom into a Lotus Leaf video
In this video, learners get an up close look at the tiny nanostructures that give the leaf its unique superhydrophobic behavior.

Nano and Me Videos
In these short videos, learners are introduced to simple fundamentals about the nanoscale; topics include the differences between macro and nano silver, gold, aluminum, latex, gravity, and stain free pants.
Sand, Plants and Pants
In this activity, learners explore how the application of nano-sized particles or substances can change a bigger material’s properties.

Exploring Products - Nano Fabrics
In this activity, learners investigate the hydrophobic properties of pants made from nano fabric and ordinary fabric.

Lotus Leaf Effect
In this activity, learners explore how some leaves are self cleaning and repel water due to their nanoscale features.

Scientific Image - SEM Image of Lotus Leaf
Magnified image of a lotus leaf using a Scanning Electron Microscope.

Scientific Image - SEM Image of Lotus Leaf
Magnified image of a lotus leaf using a Scanning Electron Microscope.

Scientific Image - Water Droplet on a Nasturtium Leaf
Magnified image of a water droplet on a Nasturtium leaf using an Optical Microscope.

Scientific Image - Nasturtium Leaf
Magnified image of a nasturtium leaf using a Scanning Electron Microscope.

Scientific Image - Nasturtium Leaf
Magnified image of a nasturtium leaf using a Scanning Electron Microscope.