Let's Do Chemistry Train-the-Trainer Workshop Resources
A collection of workshop resource to support modifying and facilitating activities to increase participants' interest, relevance, and self-efficacy in chemistry.

Gum and Chocolate
In this activity, learners practice observation and prediction skills as they experience an interesting chemical reaction in their mouths by chewing chocolate and gum at the same time.

Atoms to Atoms Card Game - training guide and materials
In this training exercise, learners will play a game where they assign descriptive terms to chemistry-related phrases and discuss why they feel that way.

What’s in the Water
In this activity, learners investigate what chemicals and compounds can be found in a sample of water using a variety of tools and techniques.

Sublimation Bubbles
In this activity, learners explore sublimation by capturing carbon dioxide gas in soapy bubbles sublimated from dry ice.

Rocket Reactions
In this activity, learners experiment with finding the best mix of "rocket fuel" by making miniature baking soda and vinegar "rockets" that shoot plastic caps into the air.

Nature of Dye
In this activity, learners create their own dyes and art while exploring how chemicals interact.

Molecules in Motion
In this activity, learners experiment with putting various objects in a small vacuum chamber and explore how the materials behave and change when the air in the chamber is removed.

Chemistry Makes Scents
In this activity, learners will use their nose to explore the differences between chemicals with similar structures and use large molecule models to visualize the structural differences.

Chemistry is Colorful
In this activity, learners try to solve the mystery of which ink came from what marker by using colorful paper chromatography.