
NanoDays Training Materials
Professional development training resources to prepare staff and volunteers to facilitate NanoDays activities.

Edu-Cathalon: A facilitation strategies and best practices training video for engaging museum visitors in STEM related content
Professional development training tool to prepare staff and volunteers to facilitate STEM-related activities.

Public Engagement with Science: A guide to creating conversations among publics and scientists for mutual learning and societal decision-making
Professional development guide to help staff develop activities and implement multi-directional conversations with visitors at Building with Biology events.

Museum Presentation: How TO and How NOT TO Interact with Visitors Video Guide
Professional development resources for educators from the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network.

Exploring Measurement Stretchability 2010 Formative Evaluation
Formative evaluation for the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network that looked at children and adults’ engagement and comprehension of a nano activity focused on the nanoscale.