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digital kit

Facilitator and Learner use a block with a rover image to transport astronauts

2020 Explore Science: Earth & Space Digital Toolkit

Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the Explore Science: Earth and Space 2020 toolkit designed to engage the public in Earth and space science.
Blue logo for online workshop recordings

Online Workshop Recording: Making Waves with Radio - Resource Roundup for Educators Working with Hispanic Audiences

Online workshop recording about educators using hands-on radio and wireless technology activities with Spanish-speaking audiences.
Blue logo for online workshop recordings

Online Workshop Recording: Making Waves with Radio - New Ways to Engage Audiences with the Basics of Modern Communication & Navigation

Recording of online workshop about the Making Waves with Radio project and the new resources now available for engaging audiences in this content.
Blue logo for online workshop recordings

Online Workshop Recording: Changing Brains - New Tools for Brain Awareness Week & Beyond

Online workshop recording; developers from the Changing Brains project provided background info and shared new public engagement resources around brain and neuroscience.
Rising Sea activity showing hands drawing contour lines on plastic box

2019 Explore Science: Earth & Space Digital Toolkit

Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the Explore Science: Earth and Space 2019 toolkit designed to engage the public in Earth and space science.
Learner dropping a large marble into a plastic tub of sand to demonstrate the impact of a meteor

2018 Explore Science: Earth & Space Digital Toolkit

Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the Explore Science: Earth and Space 2018 toolkit designed to engage the public in Earth and space science.
Child smelling balloon using Exploring Size - Scented Balloons NanoDays

NanoDays 2010 Digital Kit

Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the NanoDays 2010 kit designed to engage the public in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology and their impact on society.impact on society.
Three children measuring and mixing liquids using pipettes and beakers

Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry kit - digital kit

Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry kit.
Mother and two daughters investigating giant balls of ice in Ice Orbs activity

2017 Explore Science: Earth & Space Digital Toolkit

Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the Explore Science: Earth and Space 2017 toolkit designed to engage the public in Earth and space science.
Young learner sorting colored marbles into three different colored boxes using a tube and funnel

SustainABLE Digital Kit

Digital download of all public engagement and professional development files in the SustainABLE kit designed to engage the public in sustainability science.