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A lotus leaves in a small, man-made concrete pond.

Zoom into a Lotus Leaf video

In this video, learners get an up close look at the tiny nanostructures that give the leaf its unique superhydrophobic behavior.
A person holding an ice cream cone with the text "NANO: I've never had that problem."

Nano and Me Videos

In these short videos, learners are introduced to simple fundamentals about the nanoscale; topics include the differences between macro and nano silver, gold, aluminum, latex, gravity, and stain free pants.
Looking at an opal through a scanning electron microscope

Colors at the Nanoscale: Butterflies, Beetles and Opals

In this activity, learners will be exposed to the term ‘Photonic Crystals,' explore some of the well-known photonic crystals in nature and will also be able observe one method that scientists use in trying to replicate this process.
Scanning Electron Microscope of Synthetic Gecko Tape

Biomimicry: Synthetic Gecko Tape through Nanomolding

In this long activity, learners make a synthetic gecko tape with micron sized hairs that mimics that behavior of the gecko foot.
A screenshot of the zoom into a nasturtium leaf interactive starting with a nasturtium leaf.

Multimedia Zoom Into a Nasturtium Leaf

This downloadable and online interactive allows learners to travel from the familiar scale of nasturtium leaf to DNA deep within the plant's cell.
Exploring Products - Nano Fabrics acitivty components including signs, guides, and mini pants coated with nano materials

Exploring Products - Nano Fabrics

In this activity, learners investigate the hydrophobic properties of pants made from nano fabric and ordinary fabric.
image of a handprint that was created using heat sensitive liquid crystals suspended in thermal paper

Exploring Materials - Liquid Crystals

In this activity, learners will investigate the properties of a heat sensitive liquid crystal and make their own liquid crystal sensor to take home.
Large blue and orange interactive exhibit that features the properties of blue butterfly wings on the nanoscale. Exhibit has three boxes with preserved butterflies under a light and a large sign going into detail on nanostructures

Changing Colors exhibit

An exhibit that was part of the Nanotechnology: What's the Big Deal? exhibition that shows how some high-tech nanomaterials mimic natural phenomena.

Scientific Image - Liquid Crystal

Magnified image of liquid crystal using an Optical Microscope.
Liquid crystal display activity components including signs, guides, craft materials, safety gear, and liquid crystal material

Exploring Products - Liquid Crystal Displays

In this activity, learners investigate temperature-sensitive liquid crystal sheets and liquid crystal displays from a calculator.