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Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry kit - Report

In collaboration with the American Chemical Society, the National Informal STEM Education Network (NISE Net) has assembled a set of engaging, hands-on experiences designed to stimulate interest, sense of relevance, and feelings of self-efficacy about chemistry among public audiences.

Physical kit recipients

Applications for physical Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry kits were due June 1, 2018, all physical kits have been awarded

Digital Kit

The Explore Science: Let's Do Chemistry digital kit available for free download:

Reporting  Process

Recipients of physical kits must be submit reports online using SurveyGizmo by December 15, 2018:

  • Reports must be submitted online using SurveyGizmo:​
    • Link to online report:
    • Please note that it is NOT possible to save your work in the SurveyGizmo online form and return for additional edits. Applications left idle for too long will go blank when you progress to the next screen. Please plan to complete the online report in one session. You may want to write your responses in a Word doc, save, and then cut and paste that information into this report. 
  • Blank PDF and Word DOCX versions of the report for reference - which is helpful for writing your responses so you can cut and paste them into SurveyGizmo(just for reference; (please note the report must be filled out online)
  • Collecting activity facilitator emails
    Our project researchers will be sending an online survey to volunteer and staff facilitators across the country to ask for feedback on the activity or activities they facilitated. Questions will ask facilitators their thoughts about whether and how the activities impacted public participants’  interest, understandings of relevance, and feelings of self-efficacy about chemistry as well as aspects of the activity that may have led to these impacts. To help you gather email addresses, included in your kit is a sign-up sheet for activity facilitator emails. There is a place for you to enter any email addresses you collect in the online kit report. Please remember to ask your event facilitators, 18 and over, to share their email address and help contribute to the project research. Any activity facilitators over age 18 who complete the survey will be sent a $10 Amazon gift card.

Please note that it is NOT possible to save your work in the SurveyGizmo online form and return for additional edits. Applications left idle for too long will go blank when you progress to the next screen. Please plan to complete the online report in one session. You may want to write your responses in a Word doc, save, and then cut and paste that information into this report. 

Timeline for 2018 Physical Toolkit

  • March 1, 2018:                      Online application opens to apply for a free physical kit
  • June 1, 2018:                         Deadline to submit application
  • July 2018:                              Notification of award decisions
  • September 2018:                   Kits delivered to successful applicants
  • October-December 2018:     Successful applicants host required public event(s)
  • October 21- 27, 2018            National Chemistry Week, (NCW)
  • December 15, 2018:              Event reports due online (In addition to the required report, project evaluators may also be sending out an additional survey) 

About the Project


Funded by the National Science Foundation through the Museum of Science. 

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number DRL 1612482. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Science Foundation.

Attached Files
Attachment Size
chem_facilitator_email_signup.docx (819.61 KB) 819.61 KB
chem_facilitator_email_signup.pdf (1.21 MB) 1.21 MB
chemistry_kit_2018_report_blank_preview.docx (130.22 KB) 130.22 KB
chemistry_kit_2018_report_blank_preview.pdf (258.83 KB) 258.83 KB