"Exploring the Solar System: Hide and Seek Moon" is an engaging way for early childhood learners to experiment with some of the tools scientists use to study objects that are very, very far away, and to learn about how cultures around the world have viewed the Moon. Easy-to-use binoculars and a hidden object Moon poster let young participants discover how some tools can make distant objects appear closer and brighter, and the Moon Rope storybook shares a story of one of the ways people have made meaning out of the shapes they see on the Moon.
"Exploring the Solar System: Hide and Seek Moon" is an engaging way for early childhood learners to experiment with some of the tools scientists use to study objects that are very, very far away, and to learn about how cultures around the world have viewed the Moon. Easy-to-use binoculars and a hidden object Moon poster let young participants discover how some tools can make distant objects appear closer and brighter, and the Moon Rope storybook shares a story of one of the ways people have made meaning out of the shapes they see on the Moon.
• Tools help scientists study objects that are very far away.
• Binoculars make distant objects appear closer and brighter.
• NASA scientists use powerful telescopes to study objects in space.
- Hide and Seek Moon activity guide (DOCX)
- Hide and Seek Moon activity guide (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon animal sheet (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon facilitator guide (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon info sheet "The Cultural Moon" (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon info sheet "Lunar Discovery" (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon table sign (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon worksheet (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon moon poster (PDF)
- Apollo 11 information sheet (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon activity guide (Spanish) (DOCX)
- Hide and Seek Moon activity guide (Spanish) (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon animal sheet (Spanish) (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon info sheet "The Cultural Moon" (Spanish) (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon info sheet "Lunar Discovery" (Spanish) (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon worksheet (Spanish) (PDF)
- Hide and Seek Moon table sign (Spanish) (PDF)
- Apollo 11 information sheet (Spanish) (PDF)
The Science Museum of Minnesota
This material is based upon work supported by NASA under cooperative agreement award number NNX16AC67A. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US).
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