On August 30, 2023, Congresswoman Valerie Foushee and NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy paid a special visit to the Museum of Life and Science (MLS). The goal of the visit was to draw attention to the pivotal role that museums and science centers play in fostering learning, innovation, and collaboration within local communities. Congresswoman Foushee and Deputy Administrator Melroy discussed the vital work MLS is currently participating in to strengthen STEM education and informal science learning, especially within Spanish-speaking communities. This work includes their local collaborations as well as work going on across the country through the Sparking Interest project, part of the NISE Network’s Engaging Hispanic Communities Initiative.

Learn more about this visit in the official press release from the Museum of Life and Science: https://www.lifeandscience.org/blog/release/congresswoman-valerie-foushee-and-nasa-deputy-administrator-pam-melroy-visit-mls/
Learn more about the NISE Network’s Engaging Hispanic Communities Initiative: https://www.nisenet.org/hispaniccommunities