These short videos are perfect for NanoDays 2014 staff and volunteer training. Please feel free to distribute these links to people volunteering at your NanoDays event. All of these videos may be downloaded from Vimeo simply by creating a free "basic" account at, for more assistance please see FAQ # 10.
Link to All NanoDays training videos on vimeo
Links to individual NanoDays training videos on vimeo
Training Videos for NanoDays activities and programs NEW!
- Exploring Fabrication—Electroplating NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Fabrication—Gummy Capsules
- Exploring Materials—Ferrofluid NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Materials—Hydrogel
- Exploring Materials—Memory Metal 2014 kit
- Exploring Materials—Oobleck NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Materials—Thin Films NEW!
- Exploring Nano & Society—Space Elevator
- Exploring Nano & Society—You Decide! 2014 kit
- Exploring Products—Computer Hard Drives 2014 kit
- Exploring Products—Liquid Crystal Displays
- Exploring Products—Nano Fabrics NEW!
- Exploring Properties—Capillary Action NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Properties—Electric Squeeze NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Properties—Invisibility 2014 kit
- Exploring Properties—UV Bracelets
- Exploring Size—Measure Yourself NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Size—Moving Molecules
- Exploring Size—Powers of Ten Game NEW! 2014 kit
- Exploring Size—Tiny Ruler NEW!
- Exploring Tools—3D Imaging
- Exploring Tools—Mitten Challenge NEW!
- Exploring Tools—Mystery Shapes
- "Horton Hears a Who!" Storytime
- I Spy Nano! NEW!
- Robots and People NEW! 2014 kit
- Would You Buy That? NEW! 2014 kit
- Additional helpful training videos:
- All NanoDays 2014 materials:
Special thanks to Kevin Dilley and Ali Jackson from the Sciencenter in Ithaca, NY, Brad Herring, from the Museum of Life + Science in Durham, NC, Aaron Guerrero from the Children's Museum of Houston, TX, and Stephanie Long and her staff from Science Museum of Minnesota for creating these training videos!