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Network-Wide Meeting Materials: Team-Based Evaluation

Vrylena Olney

The NISE Net Network-Wide Meeting was held in San Francisco on October 26 - 28, 2010 and included a number of concurrent sessions and workshops (see the full list of workshops and sessions).  Some of the presenters and organizers have graciously offered to make their presentations, handouts, or other resources from their workshops and sessions available to the larger Network through the Nano Bite blog.  The following materials are from the Team-Based Evaluation Session led by Christine Reich and Amy Grack Nelson.

The Team-Based Evaluation workshop was focused on helping attendees further their understanding of evaluation and its process so they may begin to embed evaluation into their work.  The presentation that Christine and Amy developed is attached, as well as two handouts developed by Amy.  In addition, I've provided links to resources that can be downloaded elsewhere (in one case from the catalog) as well as some places to learn more.

If you have any questions about these materials, please feel free to get in touch with Christine or Amy:

Christine Reich
Director, Research and Evaluation
Museum of Science, Boston
[email protected]

Amy Grack Nelson
Evaluation and Research Associate
Science Museum of Minnesota
[email protected]

Attached Resources:

  • Workshop Powerpoint Presentation: Includes a definition of evaluation and generally covers planning an evaluation, data collection, and data analysis to help you embed systematic inquiry into your work to help you better test your assumptions.
  • Survey Design Tips: A two-page document with tips and information on designing a survey.
  • Data Collection Using Carousel Sheets Guide: A three-page activity guide explaining how to use carousel sheets, a participatory data collection method that allows you to quickly gather a lot of information from a group.

Other NISE Net Resources:

For More Information:

  • Christine and Amy also handed out copies of the "Planning a Program Evaluation" worksheet developed by the University of Wisconsin-Extension Cooperative Extension.  That worksheet can be downloaded at
  • Diamond, J., Luke, J., & Uttal, D. (2009). Practical evaluation guide: Tools for museums and other informal educational settings. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira. (referenced in powerpoint presentation)
  • Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. (referenced in powerpoint presentation)
Attached Files
Attachment Size
nisenet_teambased_eval_newstyle_revised.pptx (4.49 MB) 4.49 MB
tips_for_writing_survey_questions.doc (204 KB) 204 KB
carousel_sheets.doc (591.5 KB) 591.5 KB