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NanoDays Highlights: Nanoscientists Attack!

Vrylena Olney

Looking for ideas for NanoDays 2012? I'll be highlighting some examples of NanoDays activities from the 2011 NanoDays reports in the NISE Net blog over the next few weeks.

A number of partners last year included science theater in their NanoDays offerings, with many adding the 10-minute Attack of the Nanoscientist play to their lineup:

Attack of the Nanoscientist PerformanceThe Miami Science Museum NanoDays included activities and presentations from Florida International University, seven on-going table-top demonstrations using most of the activities from the NanoDays kit, and the Attack of the Nanoscientist and Flying Cars theater presentations. Contact Karlisa Callwood for more information.

Visitors at the Discovery Center Museum in Rockford, IL played with many of the NanoDays activities from the 2010 and 2011 kits at activity stations. Students and faculty from the NSEC at UW Madison stopped by to run aerogel, notinol and mysterious mixture cart demos. NanoDays favorites from past years, Macro Man and Nano Boy, took the year off and instead educators performed Attack of the Nanoscientist. Get in touch with Mike Rathbun to learn more.

Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science and Technology in Syracuse, NY included Attack in both their pre- and post-NanoDays events. Pre-NanoDays events included training for their college student volunteers, a presentation of Attack of the Nanoscientist at the Tri County Science Fair, a presentation at a Middle School Career Day, and a nano workshop for families and children at the Golisano Children's Hospital.  During NanoDays, MOST staff ran nano DVD's on a continuous loop, presented a daily showing of Attack of the Nanoscientist, displayed Nano Haikus on a fence surrounding their café, and used the NanoDays kits to engage visitors in discussions about nano. Contact Betty Jones for more information.

Nanoscientists also attacked (or didn't) at Creative Discovery Museum in Chattanooga, TN; the Oklahoma WONDERtorium in Stillwater, OK; and the Children’s Museum of Houston in Houston, TX.

Photo by Emily Maletz.

Interested in learning more? Get in touch with the partners listed, or to contact your regional hub leader for additional ideas and support.