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Evaluation and Research Findings: Communication Study part 1

Eli Bossin

Over the past year, the evaluation team has been conducting A Study of Communication in the NISE Network (Network Communication Study) to learn about how the Network's primary communication components, NanoDays, face-to-face meetings, the regional hub structure, and the website, are being used by actively involved partners. We'll be highlighting different findings from the study - such as the bulleted points below - over the next few months in our Featured Finding section, and you can also read the whole report at

  • Featured Finding:

    NanoDays makes nano content seem "doable." Other messages conveyed through the kit: "nano can be fun and exciting," "nano is all around us," "nano can have a significant impact on people, " and "nano is a topic that should be taught to the public." Actively involved partners also reported that the quality of the kit materials and activities represents the professionalism of the Network.